Interested in a (quality) $50 balisong?

Dec 6, 2001
Ok, here is the deal. I am on the inside track in negotiations with a pretty big knife company who is considering making a balisong with a retail price between $50 - $75. Please keep in mind a $75 retail price tag will translate into about $50 street price anyway.

NOTE: Many of you know I am close with DDR, please do not assume this is a DDR project.

So I thought of a way to do some quick market research. I told them about BladeForums, and ran them through the site. Here are the parameters:

If you like what you hear, and would conceivably purchase the described knife, please post replies for as many knives as you would purchase in the next 90 days . What that means is if you would buy two knives, post TWO SEPARATE REPLIES.

The replies do not need to say anything, maybe just a punctuation mark. It is important to post as realistically as possible, 300 posts by the same person, while bumping up the numbers, will only serve to cast aspersion on the rest of the posts.

The knife details are this

A 4 inch model and PERHAPS a 3 inch model.

Removeable pocket clip (I don't like clips on bali, but nobody listens to me).

Maybe a weehawk, maybe a clip-point, maybe a bowie.

440C or similar.

solid handles, maybe brass, maybe SS (maybe as an option) almost certainly not Ti.

The handles may wind up being injection molded plastic (then weighted for proper swing).

Teflon bushings.

The knife will be able to be disassembled.

Let me know.

EDIT - I forgot! The numbers will be looked at only for the first 45 days of this post, so get on the phone, call your bali lovin, non-forum readin friends & get them registered.
I'd probably pick up 1. At first I was freaked out by the possibility of weighted plastic handles, but if they can do it such that it'll be able to take a good beating, I'd actually be pretty into it.

If the 3 blade styles, I think I'd go for clip point.
And a second for posterity.

I'd love to see the corners cut to make this happen. A good $100 bali was the elusive dream for a lot of manufacturers. This is coming in at half that.
I don't care about a clip, I prefer a clip point, SS handles because I hate brass, and I don't think injection molded plastic is a good idea.
Count me in
SS handles please with clip-point blade
So there will be a count of posts, and that will be the final amount of balis made? Some sort of exclusive balisong, then? :D I like that idea. But if that's the plan, they must be numbered and signed too! At least numbered...

But what if dealers want to buy a bunch? They can't get none?

Please don't do brass. It's too soft, my opinion.

You're mentioning both 3" and 4", weehawk, clip-point and bowie etc... Does this mean there will be several knives to choose from?

BTW, I too don't care much for pocket clips on balisongs. Let's start our own club, where we just sit and flip non-clipped balis! ;) :D

edit: damm... look at all those people that posted before I did, even I was the 2nd to view the thread... I'm starting to get old. ;)
I cannot post too many replies, they go to the final count:

This is a look at the market for this knife. This is not a guarantee that any knives will be made, it is a bunch of suits sitting in a room deciding if they will make enough profit to invest in making these things.

In order to make this post valid, yeah, I'd buy one (but they know that):cool:
No brass, no plastic, no titanium. I will buy one of each blade type and length if they have steel handles. Maybe a LOT more if my customers want them.:)
440C weehawk, stainless handles, removeable clip?

even as an impoverished med student, i'd take one of those @ $50

also, 35 viewings and only 7 posts? come on!

What thickness for the blades?? I would like to see 3/16" blade stock. Any one else??
I'll take one...and i like the pocket clip idea...being removable should appease those like Ghen who dislike the idea.....can't wait....make em quick!!

edit: I don't think plastic is a good idea, but if you can make em good, go for it
Forget the brass, titanium, and plastic handles, create some original (or at least not weehawk) blade styles and I'm in for one of 'em.