Off Topic Is there some kind of reason I'm missing for NOT cleaning up super grungy (filthy /rusty etc) before listing for sale ?

Jan 29, 2016
Just plain lazy ? Project knife for a masochist ?

To add fuel to the fire , lots of these sellers claim it will be really easy to make it right yourself .

Welp ...then why the heck didn't you do that ?

Huge turn off for me because it demonstrates a total lack of care /maintenance .

Yeah ...and I'm not talking about some antiquity that needs professional restoration . Just regular unloved ,abused beaters .

Just curious . ;)
There is a lot of people that don’t have pride, others are too self centered, and many just don’t care.
What they don’t get is that that behavior is a reflection of them.
I can tell a lot by how the item is shown or presented and will partially base my go or no go to buy it
I've bought a bunch of knives from flea markets, auctions, etc. in the condition you're describing. I enjoy cleaning them up, it's relaxing. They're usually just dirty and/or some light rust from neglect more than abuse. On the other hand if somebody were selling a knife here on the forum I'd absolutely expect it to be in as good a shape and possible and if not the price better reflect it.
I don't know if you are referring specifically to Bladeforums or the internet in general, but people certainly have different attitudes towards their tools, or tools in general.

Some people are meticulous about caring for their tools, and some never give care, cleaning, and maintenance a single thought (I've seen a lot of both working construction). I'm the meticulous type, to the point of being a bit obsessive (take care of your tools and they will take care of you).

And of course not everyone who sells knives online is an actual "knife person". They might be selling knives they inherited, or found, or bought cheap at a yard sale to flip, etc, and they couldn't care less what condition the knives are in, or realize that other people actually care.

And then there are the "non-knife people" who use knives but don't look upon them the same way we do, as valued items, and with a touch of affection. To them a knife is no different than an old pipe wrench, or any other tool used to perform a task and nothing more.

It takes all kinds.
I've bought a bunch of knives from flea markets, auctions, etc. in the condition you're describing. I enjoy cleaning them up, it's relaxing. They're usually just dirty and/or some light rust from neglect more than abuse. On the other hand if somebody were selling a knife here on the forum I'd absolutely expect it to be in as good a shape and possible and if not the price better reflect it.

Good point. I assumed we were talking about knives for sale on BF or other reputable sites.
Most people selling are looking to maximize profit or at least recoup most if what they spent. One would think that if they are taking the time to take photos and put it up for sale, they would take the time to make sure its in good shape. If not, maybe they are just lazy.

However, not everyone is mechanically inclined, and/or has the tools to take apart a knife and clean every speck of dust out of a folder.

I can only speak for myself, but I keep the blades pretty clean, and only take it apart if I notice an issue with the action, something corrosive has gotten inside, or it is noticeably dirty.

It is rare I take apart my knives just to clean the dust out.
I’m with SM, there’s a particular kind of fun in fixing a diamond in the rough you got for a dollar from somebody who didn’t know or care. Course, you have to choose them with the right things wrong…

Occasionally I get the chance to take it back and show the seller, like Dave at my local swap meet. He says “Wow, that’s great! Your next two are 50 cents each.”

So apparently there’s some entertainment value in it for him as well.

It does make you wonder what else might be going on with them.
BUT, isn’t there always a but? There may be a situation that we are not aware of, and the condition may be the result of rushing to get something done to make the situation better as soon as possible.

On the other hand, some can go to the extreme, I kind of fall into that category to some degree.
I always work to make the knife as clean as possible, wiping out the dust from inside the frame, and any dust that might have built up around the stop pin.

And when I pack to ship, I try my best to make it secure and prevent any rattling in the box when closed.

My goal is that when the person opens a package from me, they are excited when they lift the lid.

But, that’s just me and I do have a little bit more OCD than most
Cheaper for me to buy! :)

Clean and pristine sells for more, grungy can lead to a killer deal. I enjoy the teardown and cleanup, and there is a comfort in knowing that I won't reduce the value with my own use if we ever decide to part ways.

It took me a while to remember to clean the blade off before taking a glamour pic for the "carrying today" thread. A clean knife almost always makes for a better picture.
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