JSP equipment


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2002
What are some of the products James makes that are not in his catalog or website? I would like to know of any new products or your own creations that James has made a reality.
Estone what are some of the other g10 products you know about? Thanks for all the info!
lets see,
i know the G10 is a substance he uses, i don't know if it's necessarily new. what all he can do with it i don't know. the problem is he is in the middle of a move right now so i don't know how much work he can actually do. here's what i do know:

he recently took the ti chop sticks, attached them together, and made **drumroll** TI CHOP-CHUCKS! these bad boys are FAST. and becase they are titanium they hit hard. i would suggest get a pair and try them out for yourself. if all else fails, you can still use them as chopsticks. a must have for anyone wanting a simple and functional, yet effective tool.

you might want to talk to him about the possibilities of G10, i've got quite a few ideas for him. if i give him a design he likes, i let you know an you can have him make you one. i always thought a set G10 kali sticks would be really cool, but i'm going to talk to james about it first... i'll keep you informed...

I have a pair to the ti chop chucks. They are as awesome as James said they were. They are also very effective held indiviually. You can use them with koppo or knife techniques. Also the ti pencil is really great. The tip on that is JSP all the way.
I don't think g10 sticks would be quite as good as rattan. I had a pair of 28" Mad Dog sticks and traded them. They were made with his handle material which is practically indestructable. The problem was they were very heavy and they had to be too thin to keep the weight down. Also a lot of vibration when hitting, causing hand fatigue. They destroyed alot of sticks. So if you work out with someone they should have the same type of sticks. I just received a pair of rigger coated sticks. These are really great and I highly reccomend them. They look great and feel great. The coating really dampens alot of the vibration, which reduces hand fatigue. When you do alot of heavy impact drills with a hard hitter your hands really don't feel it. Also the sticks aren't slippery at all. Don't get me wrong I love rattan sticks and still use them. However it's good to have alot of different training tools.