Jungle Brother


Nose to the Grindstone
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Dec 5, 2005

The blade is 3/16" CPM3V, the handle is Terotuf laminated to vulcanized fiber and held to the tang via stainless steel pins which were epoxied in place and then tapped to accept 12.9 steel bolts. Which were also epoxied in place for a totally bombproof set up. I was able to precisely manage the depth of the bolts, so they'd provide enough of an index to be able to feel them, but not have them bother the hand.

Blade is 6", handle is a little over 4.5". Overall weight is 10.25oz.

The clip isn't dull, but it's not quite sharp either. That could easily be changed and I might put a proper edge on it, but I think I want a little more time with this knife before I make it more dangerous!

It's not a super heavy knife, even though it's pretty thick. The tang is skeletonized and the clip and forefinger choil keep the weight manageable. This knife is balanced exactly at the guard.








Here's a quick vid of my first little bit of testing on some seasoned big leaf maple;

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That's pretty goddamn sexy, my friend. Color me impressed. Any plans to make this model a regular offering?
well thank you sir!
I like your question and have been thinking on it quite a bit. I definitely need to take more time to learn this craft better and hone my skills, but I think that the time will be coming where standard models will make a lot of sense for me. It's in my five year plan and I'm 9 months in to the first year...
ok, so I got a bunch of sheaths finished up and whipped up a quick one for my Jungle Brother. The leather itself isn't from the best part of the hide- I reserve the choice parts for things that aren't for me, lol- but I did spend an inordinate amount of time experimenting with dye. Trying to get a cool camo look, but not totally satisfied with the result yet. Still, better than my last attempt, so there's a strong possibility of improvement with this kind of thing down the road.




I don't think that counts. In my book the blade has to draw the blood. Seems to happen all too often to me...
believe me, I've had more than my fair share of 'episodes' which involve bandaids and stitches. Been doing pretty good these days keeping my blood where it belongs.
Gorgeous knife
thanks so much! Glad you like it