Kansept Goblin K2016 CPM-S35VN Blade with Marshall Noble Designed

Aug 16, 2021

Marshall has been making knives since 2002,It was not until 2015 that he started making knives full time focusing on folding knives centering on the fit and finish and premium materials. He has always felt that form follows function,yet views knife making as an art form,they become more than just a practical knife.

With over built knives being so popular he wanted to make the biggest little knife he could.Little knives often do not handle large tasks well,
So he made a knife with a broad blade for these large tasks, While staying compact. The Goblin was inspired by the 1984 US Airforce XF-85 Goblin experimental fighter jet that was compact, There are three ways to opening the Goblin, from the front flipper tab,to the finger flick or the traditional thump hole opening. Added to the design is a stylish pocket clip to finish it off.

✔CPM-S35VN blade steel provides a tough blade with excellent edge retention.
✔Smooth flipper action ensures reliable opening.
✔Ceramic ball bearing offers smooth flip opening.

More details of the new models, check here: https://www.kanseptknives.com/pages/find-our-dealers