Khukuri House Website and blades

Jan 29, 2000
While searching for a present for a buddy of mine, I stumbled upon Khukuri house, who is the offical supplier for Gurkha house and the actual Ghurkas. They have great prices, and I was trying to inquire about a few of their items and the custom options that are available. I first emailed them about a weeke ago, and hove not gottan a response yet. I would call, but they are based in Nepal, and that is A) very long distance and B) twelve hours time difference.

Does anyone know of they are having trouble with their email or website or if there is some other issue at hand?

Opinions on the Dehradoon, Jungle, and Panawal are welcome, too.
If you want outstanding Knives at a great price, try the Himalayan import forum. At the very least, Bill Martino answers each email.
Khukuri House can be difficult to get in touch with. I've ordered from directly in the past. My advise is: if you want a Khukuri House knife, get it from Craig instead. By the time shipping from Nepal, the time and expense getting a certified bank check cut, and shipping it insured to Nepal are added, you MIGHT save 5-10 bucks. If your not satisfied, you'd have to ship them back to Nepal. It's just not worth it, unless you want the customs tag and the snazzy KH wrapping paper :D

On the knives in question:
I have a Panawal and a mini-jungle. The knives I got from Khukuri House were a bit rougher than the knives I've gotten from Craig in the past. However, they are fully functional. Craig has said that he gets the pick of the litter from Khukuri House, and it shows.

HI Knives: Excellent knives and excellent customer service. This is reflected in their prices, which are substantially higher than GH.

Both Bill and Craig are fine fellows and sell quality knives. I have maybe half a dozen khukuris from each of them, and I wouldn't hesitate to do business with either one again.
