Knife blanks

Hey guys do u know where I can get a good every day carry knife blank to put my own handle on
If you Google KNIFE MAKING SUPPLIES you will find several sources.
Sometimes it makes sense to buy a complete knife and strip it and re handle it.

Buck knives are a good candidate.
What kind of shape, grind, size do you consider an EDC? You can get BPS and Condor blanks on Amazon.
I have bought BPS knives and rehandled them. Condor kephart blade and customized it. A bunch of Russell Green River works blades. A few modern Schrades too.

Overall the BPS knives and the Green River blades are the best out of the bunch in my opinion. The BPS compact camper and the Russell Green River patch knife blade are both ones I use for "EDC"

If you look over in the knifemaker services offered section, user timos- is offering small scale blank production. I just got a couple really nice aeb-L paring knife blanks from him.