Off Topic Knife identification

Aug 8, 2023
I got this knife from my grandpa. I have had it for a while but I don't know what kind of knife it is. I have tried to google it but have not found anything exactly like it. The closest knifes to it are buck knifes but it does not have any buck markings on it and the dots on the handle are different. The only thing I could find on this knife was "stainless China" on the bottom of the blade. Its a old knife I think maybe 70s or 80s but that's just a guess. Thanks.

Welcome to Bladeforums Tirsch.

I'd say that knife has no "identification". It's a cheap, Chinese copy of a Buck 110 Folding Hunter. I'd be very surprised if the knife ever had a name, maybe just a model number from the manufacturer.

Of course that doesn't mean the knife is either useless or worthless. The fact that it was given to you by your Grandpa might make it priceless. I know it would to me :) .
I got this knife from my grandpa. I have had it for a while but I don't know what kind of knife it is. I have tried to google it but have not found anything exactly like it. The closest knifes to it are buck knifes but it does not have any buck markings on it and the dots on the handle are different. The only thing I could find on this knife was "stainless China" on the bottom of the blade. Its a old knife I think maybe 70s or 80s but that's just a guess. Thanks.

Killgar is on the money. But I doubt 70s/80s since China (PRC) wasn't in the knife manufacturing/exporting game yet then.