Knifemakers helping Knifemakers affected by Harvey

Stacy E. Apelt - Bladesmith

ilmarinen - MODERATOR
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Aug 20, 2004
We all hope for the best when disaster strikes, but sometimes it does despite out hopes and prayers. Harvey has destroyed a lot of businesses and property. Some of those are knifemakers whose only income is knifemaking. I was just informed that Tracy at USA Knifemakers has set up a fund to help some of those guys get a like leg up on the hard climb they face. Below is the info. Anyone wishing to help, or more info should contact Tracy Mickley. If you know of someone who fits this group, let them and Tracy know.

From Tracy Mickley:
We have all seen the devastation of hurricane Harvey. We would like to help our knife maker brothers that have been wiped out to get back on their feet. This isn’t about advertising. This isn’t about making us look good. This is about doing the right thing and about helping people in need. If I could do this quietly I would but I can’t. These guys need your help and I am going bang the drum as loud as I can to get some help headed their way.

What: will match donations up to $2,000 in knife making supplies for full time knife makers that have lost their shops to the hurricane and flood. If I can manage more, I will but right now it’s the best I can do. If public donations do not reach $2,000 for the match, we will still give out the full $2,000 in the form of gift certificates to I hope we can max this out to $4,000+

Who: We will give $250 gift certificates to 8 (at minimum, we hope for at least 16 or more) full time knife makers that have had their shops destroyed by floods. It’s not enough to restock a shop. I get that. I also understand there are hundreds, maybe thousands of part time makers that also have had tragic losses and I wish we could help everyone. Those makers that depend on knife making as their primary income can use our help as a community.

Send donations in care of Knifemaker Harvey Relief to USAknifemaker. Send a check, cash, use Paypal or a credit card. We will cover the Paypal and Credit card fees. We will total up the donations and match up to $2,000 to be given out as gift certificates to 8 full time makers. If the total of public donations exceeds $2,000, we will compile the extra and give out as many $250 gift certificates as the funds allow. 100% of donations will be given out. We will recap all activity on for full transparency in this thread:

We are asking you to provide names and contact information of full time knife makers in and around the Houston area that you know have lost their shop or had significant shop damage. We do not need a list of random names of makers in the area. We need to know who got hurt in this. We will have to filter out opportunists so we will require proof of loss in the form of pictures of their shop and a short description of damage. To be clear, we aren’t “covering” any other losses. There are other agencies for that. We are trying to help those that lost their knife making shop.

I am hoping for a lot of interest and support. I will have a thread on to track donations, candidates and awards and to keep this transparent.

I welcome your input and suggestions on how the knife making community can step up and lend a hand.

Post your comments and suggestions on here:


Tracy Mickley


Midwest Knifemakers Supply, llc dba

2650 9th Ave

Mankato, MN 56001