Law Of the Sharks, Rules, Tips, and Tricks

I'd be lost without SwiftKey!

Yeah, give it a go. May work totally different on your iphone, but those seem to do most things better than android so there's gotta be a way. ;)
Another tip: Don't listen to the light hearted "There is no Fiddleback Friday" posts... :)
Andy I have a suggestion, I think that in fairness to everyone it would be best if people would copy and paste the entire description of what they want.

(2014 0314 002 – Wasp, Model Standard Knife, Maroon Linen on natural canvas with a white g10 pinstripe, Tapered Tang, Convex on 1/8” thick 3D Spalted 01 steel - $295)

It's very difficult to know who has what if someone posts I want the Bushfinger and there are three Bushfingers that week.

Also I am not a fan of the dragnet fishing, " I want the Duke, if not then the Hunter if not then the Wasp and so on". That makes it extremely difficult for those after that post to figure out what has or has not been taken.
I don't mind losing out on something, that is half the fun of the shark tank. Andy is always making more.
I think the dragnet thing should stop only because of where it seems to be going. It's quickly going to be impossible for Andy and crew to figure out who won what:

I'll take the camp knife but if that's not available I want the Asp AND the hiking buddy. If the hiking buddy is gone I don't want the asp but if the asp is gone I'll take the hiking buddy but can you confirm it's SFT because it looks tapered in the picture. I also want the Green and white KE bushie if the white and green KE bushie is gone.

This is where we are going...
I think the dragnet thing should stop only because of where it seems to be going. It's quickly going to be impossible for Andy and crew to figure out who won what:

I'll take the camp knife but if that's not available I want the Asp AND the hiking buddy. If the hiking buddy is gone I don't want the asp but if the asp is gone I'll take the hiking buddy but can you confirm it's SFT because it looks tapered in the picture. I also want the Green and white KE bushie if the white and green KE bushie is gone.

This is where we are going...
. +10
Andy I have a suggestion, I think that in fairness to everyone it would be best if people would copy and paste the entire description of what they want.

(2014 0314 002 – Wasp, Model Standard Knife, Maroon Linen on natural canvas with a white g10 pinstripe, Tapered Tang, Convex on 1/8” thick 3D Spalted 01 steel - $295)

It's very difficult to know who has what if someone posts I want the Bushfinger and there are three Bushfingers that week.

Also I am not a fan of the dragnet fishing, " I want the Duke, if not then the Hunter if not then the Wasp and so on". That makes it extremely difficult for those after that post to figure out what has or has not been taken.
. +10
Otherwise I am just going to start posting "I'll take everything that's left" and then just sell what I don't want. :D

Posts that don't offer the complete description with the I'll take it should be invalid.
I'll say this:

I've been around for a while in this forum. Fiddleback Fridays have always been exciting. There has always been, at least a little pressure to grab 'your knife' before someone else. Lots of Fridays have ended up in some disappointment for many. But there is always next week, right?

Well, I'm not afriad to say it. In the past year, the new crowd has changed things around here. And not for the better. The 'casting a wide net' points mentioned previously have merit. I'm happy for Andy and crew for selling out in about 30 mins today. That speaks for itself. But the way things are going, it has added a new twist to 'sharking' and I don't like it. I don't know about some of the manners of the new crowd.......

As Fiddleback becomes more and more popular, of course there are more customers, and with more people, there is more panic and pressure. Maybe what we are dealing with is just unavoidable?
Andy I have a suggestion, I think that in fairness to everyone it would be best if people would copy and paste the entire description of what they want.

(2014 0314 002 – Wasp, Model Standard Knife, Maroon Linen on natural canvas with a white g10 pinstripe, Tapered Tang, Convex on 1/8” thick 3D Spalted 01 steel - $295)

It's very difficult to know who has what if someone posts I want the Bushfinger and there are three Bushfingers that week.

Also I am not a fan of the dragnet fishing, " I want the Duke, if not then the Hunter if not then the Wasp and so on". That makes it extremely difficult for those after that post to figure out what has or has not been taken.

I think copying the entire description is helpful, but if there is only one Wasp and someone says "I'll take the Wasp," I think it's pretty easy to see it's is gone. Or if there are two Wasps, but only one has maroon linen, and someone says "I'll take the maroon Wasp," still pretty easy to see it's gone. What confuses me is when people just put the numbers (e.g., "I'll take 2014 0314 002") because I pay no attention to those.

As for the dragnet fishing, it appears I'm the only one guilty of that today. Did not do me any good because both knives I was interested in were gone before my post. Some may find the strategy inconvenient, but it was the only strategy that made sense to me today based on how quickly the knives have been selling in general and on how hot certain patterns are. These Fridays have become insanely competitive. Half the knives are gone in the first few minutes. I think any strategy that can get you what you want is a good one. Frankly, I don't plan to pay too much attention to what people ahead of may have posted. I'll have interest in certain knives. If someone calls dibs on one of them ahead of me, I'll still call dibs because maybe after all of the carnage that person will have changed or withdrawn their dib (not the best approach) and I will be next in line.

If Andy or the community thinks the dragnet fishing is not appropriate, then let there be a rule and I certainly won't do it.
I'll say this:

I've been around for a while in this forum. Fiddleback Fridays have always been exciting. There has always been, at least a little pressure to grab 'your knife' before someone else. Lots of Fridays have ended up in some disappointment for many. But there is always next week, right?

Well, I'm not afriad to say it. In the past year, the new crowd has changed things around here. And not for the better. The 'casting a wide net' points mentioned previously have merit. I'm happy for Andy and crew for selling out in about 30 mins today. That speaks for itself. But the way things are going, it has added a new twist to 'sharking' and I don't like it. I don't know about some of the manners of the new crowd.......

As Fiddleback becomes more and more popular, of course there are more customers, and with more people, there is more panic and pressure. Maybe what we are dealing with is just unavoidable?

Schmittie I have been here for years and I am with you. I absolutely love the new success for Andy! As an old schooler here I love to see so many new people here. I love the new friendships generated as a result. That said I don't like to see opportunities so limited. I have an issue with the multiple group buying. I see many new customers getting discouraged because the first few buyers might be more computer savy or have a higher bank roll and scoop up multiple knives leaving the balance for everyone else. I am very content in my collection so I have no problem sharking for what I'm looking for currently but I would love to see a single purchase limit per post placed on every buyer. You want a 2nd knife then post again. That evens the playing field. I think that opens it up for more new customers. Just my thoughts... Your mileage may vary ....
Schmittie I have been here for years and I am with you. I absolutely love the new success for Andy! As an old schooler here I love to see so many new people here. I love the new friendships generated as a result. That said I don't like to see opportunities so limited. I have an issue with the multiple group buying. I see many new customers getting discouraged because the first few buyers might be more computer savy or have a higher bank roll and scoop up multiple knives leaving the balance for everyone else. I am very content in my collection so I have no problem sharking for what I'm looking for currently but I would love to see a single purchase limit per post placed on every buyer. You want a 2nd knife then post again. That evens the playing field. I think that opens it up for more new customers. Just my thoughts... Your mileage may vary ....

We think a lot alike, I have been following Andy's work for a while, and have had more Fiddlebacks than I'd care for my wife to know for sure. Some I've kept, some I've gifted to close friends, and some I've had to sell to get through rough patches like this past winter. I am extremely happy to see the new growth for FF, Andy works his ass off, makes beautiful cutlery that can actually be used, and is a pleasure to both look at and use in the field. I understand the desire for multiples, I really do. But I am also seeing and hearing frustration from both new people trying to get their first, and from old supporters who do not have the time to deal with the frenzy.

We all, or at least some of us, know what a busy man Andy is. He goes to work before day light every week day to make beautiful knives for us, then he also has a family to raise, and he is a coach, plus as far as I know he still works with the scouts. He really is a great guy, he makes great cutlery, and his forum is peopled with great folks that never cease to amaze me. I think there should be some way we can sort all this out without offending folks. Maybe we need to limit our sharking to one knife per post, or even to one knife per day, and then see what is left the next day? I'm really not sure what to suggest, but there is a great crowd here, and it seems like there would be some way we could police ourselves without making life any more stressful on the man than it already is. Just my two cents.
I'll say this:

I've been around for a while in this forum. Fiddleback Fridays have always been exciting. There has always been, at least a little pressure to grab 'your knife' before someone else. Lots of Fridays have ended up in some disappointment for many. But there is always next week, right?

Well, I'm not afriad to say it. In the past year, the new crowd has changed things around here. And not for the better. The 'casting a wide net' points mentioned previously have merit. I'm happy for Andy and crew for selling out in about 30 mins today. That speaks for itself. But the way things are going, it has added a new twist to 'sharking' and I don't like it. I don't know about some of the manners of the new crowd.......

As Fiddleback becomes more and more popular, of course there are more customers, and with more people, there is more panic and pressure. Maybe what we are dealing with is just unavoidable?

Schmittie I have been here for years and I am with you. I absolutely love the new success for Andy! As an old schooler here I love to see so many new people here. I love the new friendships generated as a result. That said I don't like to see opportunities so limited. I have an issue with the multiple group buying. I see many new customers getting discouraged because the first few buyers might be more computer savy or have a higher bank roll and scoop up multiple knives leaving the balance for everyone else. I am very content in my collection so I have no problem sharking for what I'm looking for currently but I would love to see a single purchase limit per post placed on every buyer. You want a 2nd knife then post again. That evens the playing field. I think that opens it up for more new customers. Just my thoughts... Your mileage may vary ....

We think a lot alike, I have been following Andy's work for a while, and have had more Fiddlebacks than I'd care for my wife to know for sure. Some I've kept, some I've gifted to close friends, and some I've had to sell to get through rough patches like this past winter. I am extremely happy to see the new growth for FF, Andy works his ass off, makes beautiful cutlery that can actually be used, and is a pleasure to both look at and use in the field. I understand the desire for multiples, I really do. But I am also seeing and hearing frustration from both new people trying to get their first, and from old supporters who do not have the time to deal with the frenzy.

We all, or at least some of us, know what a busy man Andy is. He goes to work before day light every week day to make beautiful knives for us, then he also has a family to raise, and he is a coach, plus as far as I know he still works with the scouts. He really is a great guy, he makes great cutlery, and his forum is peopled with great folks that never cease to amaze me. I think there should be some way we can sort all this out without offending folks. Maybe we need to limit our sharking to one knife per post, or even to one knife per day, and then see what is left the next day? I'm really not sure what to suggest, but there is a great crowd here, and it seems like there would be some way we could police ourselves without making life any more stressful on the man than it already is. Just my two cents.

The Fiddleback Elders have surely spoken wisdom. (I am serious) I agree it would make it more enjoyable and fair for all.
I'm very happy for Andy's success and I have all my Grails (something might get me tempted though:eek:) so Fridays are calm for me. I can understand how it might be frustrating or intimidating for newcomers. Shopping from dealers or on the flea market is calmer and easier so is probably less frustrating.

IMHO it is up to Andy to set the rules for Fridays since anything that might curb his sales would be a bad thing. Guidelines might be good to avoid confusion though :D
I would love to see a single purchase limit per post placed on every buyer. You want a 2nd knife then post again. That evens the playing field. I think that opens it up for more new customers. Just my thoughts... Your mileage may vary ....

I think there should be some way we can sort all this out without offending folks. Maybe we need to limit our sharking to one knife per post, or even to one knife per day, and then see what is left the next day? I'm really not sure what to suggest, but there is a great crowd here, and it seems like there would be some way we could police ourselves without making life any more stressful on the man than it already is. Just my two cents.

I would support any of the ideas suggested and think they would be positive for the community. But they are not things we can implement and police. There are 80 to 100 users online before Andy posts the sales thread. Maybe half are regular posters here. The rest could be people who only drop in on Fridays and who could never even read this thread. How can we police that.

If there is going to be a rule on limits, it would need to come from Andy. And that's entirely up to him on whether he wants to do that.
If there is going to be a rule on limits, it would need to come from Andy. And that's entirely up to him on whether he wants to do that.

You're right. It will have to come from Andy. He's the only one who could actually edit it into the rules. Like NoFair said, we sure don't want to curb his sales, I love seeing the man so inspired as he has been this last year or so and coming out with the different models and configurations. I want to see that keep going so I can buy more of them :)
You're right. It will have to come from Andy. He's the only one who could actually edit it into the rules. Like NoFair said, we sure don't want to curb his sales, I love seeing the man so inspired as he has been this last year or so and coming out with the different models and configurations. I want to see that keep going so I can buy more of them :)

Agreed. :D
It's a tough one. It's great that Andy's knives are getting the attention they deserve, but even I as a relative (12 month) newbie am amazed how the frenzy has escalated! The saving grace is that a lot of the knives get recycled and I've made some great contacts through trading/buying on the exchange or flea market. I've learnt a lot from the older heads here. That said, aaaaaaaghhhh I missed out again😂😉
Ultimately, nothing here is going to change until it becomes inconvenient to Andy and his staff. And It isn't. This is GANGBUSTERS for his business. He'd be insane to stop this thing.

I think skystorm nailed the path this thing is on now though. You get 2 or 3 more guys with the bank rolls and this becomes a resale shop. whole fridays gone in 3 posts. Won't take people long to see that they can make a couple hundred bucks a week buying Andy's whole lot in one post and then instantly putting it up for sale in the flea market with a 20% bump. Where else can you buy one now? Look how many posts are in there recently of people looking for pieces? reseller websites sell out faster than they can put the pictures on their site. If I sold knives online I'd be shopping here every friday.

I honestly don't think this will last all that much longer though..the way this is set up now. We just have to wait for someone to blow way past the line before the change is made. Until then I'm keeping my head down and my hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times.