Living Dangerously!

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Sep 9, 2005
Like RYP, I am a danger seeker. As an overweight 63 year old man, just going for a walk in the park is dangerous!


So I must check in. Why? If I have a heart attack will they come get me? I left my cell phone at the house. What if I fall and can't get up? Then I see this comforting sign at the check-in.


Oh this is just too much. What if I get lost or injured and have survive in this park overnight? No knife? Ah....but it doesn't say a thing about the Hostile Environment Survival TOOL! I'm good to go.





Back safely to the camp. Another dangerous mission completed!

No axes, knives, machetes, guns, beer, or do they expect you to have any fun? :D

I bet there are quite a few mean critters there like gators and cottonmouths. It would be nice to have a small firearm to protect yourself just in case you ran into something there.

Cool pics HD, looks like a nice park.
Oh, I have a permit to carry, and it is valid in all parks in Georgia. The sign is bullcrap. :D
Horn Dog, I thought maybe this was one of our local parks with all of it's political correct rules & regulations, that is until I saw the palm trees & elephant ears in the background . . . . then I knew it had to be a more "hostile environment" than here in Ohio . . . :)
You being close to my age, isn't it great some of that 60's rebellion is still alive and well in all of us ? ? ? :D :thumbup:
Good shots, nice set up by the way.
Be safe.
Oh, I have a permit to carry, and it is valid in all parks in Georgia. The sign is bullcrap. :D

That park seem pretty strick. No harrassing wildlife :eek::eek:

Thats good you can carry there because I wouldn't want to go there without a firearm.
Horn Dog, I thought maybe this was one of our local parks with all of it's political correct rules & regulations, that is until I saw the palm trees & elephant ears in the background . . . . then I knew it had to be a more "hostile environment" than here in Ohio . . . :)
You being close to my age, isn't it great some of that 60's rebellion is still alive and well in all of us ? ? ? :D :thumbup:
Good shots, nice set up by the way.
Be safe.

Haha, yes. I was in SF at Haight-Ashbury in the Summer of Love, 1967. I spent part of my leave there before going to Viet Nam. I cherish freedom. Hey, where do you think most of those old Tea Party activists came from? As far as hostile, only the insects and county officials are hostile. Most of the dangerous reptiles just want to get out of the way. I live on this island, pay high property taxes, and use the park a lot. They can kiss my Kel-Tec if they don't like it! :D
I dont ever pay attention to those signs. Go ahead and lecture me about the law. Blah blah blah. Our government has gotten ridiculous with the crap they are trying to pull.
Haha, yes. I was in SF at Haight-Ashbury in the Summer of Love, 1967. I spent part of my leave there before going to Viet Nam. I cherish freedom. Hey, where do you think most of those old Tea Party activists came from? As far as hostile, only the insects and county officials are hostile. Most of the dangerous reptiles just want to get out of the way. I live on this island, pay high property taxes, and use the park a lot. They can kiss my Kel-Tec if they don't like it! :D

My ex father in law was SF with the 5th. I love pocket guns. My Ruger LCP goes almost everywhere in a wallet holster.
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Haha, yes. I was in SF at Haight-Ashbury in the Summer of Love, 1967. I spent part of my leave there before going to Viet Nam. I cherish freedom. Hey, where do you think most of those old Tea Party activists came from? As far as hostile, only the insects and county officials are hostile. Most of the dangerous reptiles just want to get out of the way. I live on this island, pay high property taxes, and use the park a lot.
They can kiss my Kel-Tec if they don't like it! :D

Amen . . . :thumbup: :thumbup:
Be safe.
Oh, I have a permit to carry, and it is valid in all parks in Georgia. The sign is bullcrap. :D

Take it hippies!
I CCW'd in Yellowstone last fall. A through hiker with a Greenpeace patch on his pack saw my G19 when I unzipped my jacket and called a park ranger over. After a few minutes of patiently explaining that I had a legal right to pack heat in the park, the guy gave up. This all happened quite publicly and I think the sight of the park ranger checking the handgun and then giving it back to me scared a few European tourists out of their speedo's (no offense to the EU bladeforums people, you guys aren't the type), not to mention the American soccer moms who herded away their children disapprovingly, glaring at me all the while. I waved and smiled.
My ex father in law was SF with the 5th. I love pocket guns. My Ruger LCP goes almost everywhere in a wallet holster.

I meant SF as in San Francisco, not special forces. But Mobile Launch Team 3 (SOG) 5th Special Forces Group was at my base. I was USAF Special Ops in the war.
I have been packing a little Kel-Tec P3AT .380. It has a horrible trigger, and I can't hit well with it past 5 yds, but it packs well. I really prefer my S&W J frame .38 special, but it is much larger and heavier. I hear Ruger is coming out with a little 9mm pocket pistol soon.
Those LCP pistols look really nice. I'm thinking of getting one when i get my taxes.

I think rugers LC9 is already out. S&W has the bodyguard out too. The trigger on the lcp and kel tec is crap! For a semi auto. It pulls just like a revolver and there is no "trigger reset" per say. It takes some serious work to get used to. But i would rather have it than nothing. 7-10 yards is a safe bet with it. The sights suck out of the box but with a little testers enamel and its GTG. The crimson trace also adds alot to the usability. But most things this size are holy $;()? Super close range point and shoot. But with anthing its all about training. Also 300 rounds with zero failures. Even tried limp wristing and couldnt cause one.:thumbup:
I think rugers LC9 is already out. S&W has the bodyguard out too. The trigger on the lcp and kel tec is crap! For a semi auto. It pulls just like a revolver and there is no "trigger reset" per say. It takes some serious work to get used to. But i would rather have it than nothing. 7-10 yards is a safe bet with it. The sights suck out of the box but with a little testers enamel and its GTG. The crimson trace also adds alot to the usability. But most things this size are holy $;()? Super close range point and shoot. But with anthing its all about training. Also 300 rounds with zero failures. Even tried limp wristing and couldnt cause one.:thumbup:

That LC9 is out and it looks pretty good too. I might have to check that one out too. I like the LCP because its really small and the LC9 looks a lot bigger.
Very nice Horn Dog...BE CAREFUL OUT THERE! :)))

Hahaha. Oh, I will. It's all relative, isn't it? I used to rapel cliffs, live in swamps, and be gone for days. Now a walk in the park is my danger. You take care, too. I've seen you on Fox and heard you on Coast to Coast. I very much enjoy your type of real reporting.
I think the rules are just to give them something to work with if it becomes necessary. For the violations it just says you'll be immediately ejected. Doesn't say fined or arrested.

Cool shot of the trail, reminds me of the area around the Hillsborough River down in Florida.

It is interesting here, with a CCW one can carry a loaded firearm into restaurants, even places where alcohol is served. Yet not in any of the local parks...:confused:
I think the rules are just to give them something to work with if it becomes necessary. For the violations it just says you'll be immediately ejected. Doesn't say fined or arrested.

Cool shot of the trail, reminds me of the area around the Hillsborough River down in Florida.

It is interesting here, with a CCW one can carry a loaded firearm into restaurants, even places where alcohol is served. Yet not in any of the local parks...:confused:

That's what Stanley the Camp Commandant (Park Supt) says. But that's a BS way to do it. They know darned well the campers have knives, guns, axes, saws, and booze. Better to regulate behavior than things.
I hear Ruger is coming out with a little 9mm pocket pistol soon.

the Ruger LC9 has a loaded chamber indicator, mag safety, a right hand only thumb safety, a key lock safety and is DAO. it's also physically larger and heavier than KT's PF9 and no doubt will be more expensive when it's available.

so, it's not just a scaled up version of the LCP.

no signs suggesting one in stainless last time i checked, but they have plated versions of the LCP, so a hard chrome version might be possible.

once they're in the stores, there may be some hacks to eliminate the thumb and mag safety, and the key lock. time will tell. don't think you'll get rid of the loaded chamber indicator without a new barrel.

the sign at the park doesn't say "NO SPEARS" so you could take a CS Boar Spear as a walking stick! :D
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