Recommendation? Looking for USN Mk2 sheath


Gold Member
Jul 18, 2007
Has anyone seen a reproduction USN Mk2 sheath on the market? I've searched around, but just keep finding knockoff M8A1's.

I'd rather not use an original, since it'll be USED. They don't seem super common, and aren't exactly cheap (and usually are already with a knife they have been paired with for 75 years...).

If I can't find a repro, I can fill the intended role using leather and building the sheath around an M1910 wire hook. It just won't look as cool.

Just Google "USN Mk2 sheath" -- there are several sources available.
Wow. How did I not think of that?

Are you serious, or just being sarcastic?

I can find an original if I wanted one. I'm asking for a reproduction. Originals are getting scarce, and I plan to USE this.

If you can find one with your black belt in Googlefu, share a link. If you're full of it, maybe take a potty break.
If you can find one with your black belt in Googlefu, share a link. If you're full of it, maybe take a potty break.
I’m sure many will be willing to help after this response :rolleyes:
I’m sure many will be willing to help after this response :rolleyes:
I specifically stated in the OP that I've searched. His response was "just search for it".

I'd be grateful for a response, but that's just a prick answer. Don't pretend you would fawn all over that if that's how someone answered you.
The only prick answer was yours.

I wouldn’t be an asshole in my reply, especially since I would be the one asking for help… you do you, good luck in your search.
You're entitled to your opinion.

But if someone talks to me like an asshole, I will respond in kind.

If this was W&C, that's the answer I'd expect. But here? No.
Wow. How did I not think of that?

Are you serious, or just being sarcastic?

I can find an original if I wanted one. I'm asking for a reproduction. Originals are getting scarce, and I plan to USE this.

If you can find one with your black belt in Googlefu, share a link. If you're full of it, maybe take a potty break.
You could have just said "I tried that with no luck. Any other ideas to find a reproduction sheath?" Probably would have gone better for you.
You could have just said "I tried that with no luck. Any other ideas to find a reproduction sheath?" Probably would have gone better for you.
If that wasn't the first paragraph of my lead post, absolutely. One hundred percent.

If you want leather I seen 1 just recently on amazon
I looked, but didn't like anything on there. Lots of questionable junk and bad reviews. Was hoping to find something compatible with m1910 (GI type) pistol belts but I've ended up going in a different direction with that project, anyway. I'll probably just make a standard leather sheath.

Though a repro mk2 would still be a neat and useful thing to find. I'm actually shocked I can't find anything. Seems like everything has been reproduced or knocked off in one form or another.