Magna - Back Pin - Loose/Spins Question.

May 20, 1999
I just received my Magna withthe aluminum handles. It is great & at a great price. I have one question the back pin where the knife rests against when it is open or closed spins around like it is a shell over something else. It is dented up and it noticeible when you spin it with your finger. Is it suppose to do that or is it something that needs to be corrected.
The stop pin should not be loose or dented. I would contact Outdoor Edge about it. Both my models don't have that problem. I did have a similar problem with the stop pin on an Emerson CQC7-B, which you could actually hear the stop pin rattle when you shook the handle. I fixed it by removing one of the scales and placing a very tiny drop of adhesive on it to stop it from spinning. As far as the stop pin being dented, I'd check with Outdoor Edge to see if it can be replaced.