My big complaint!

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Dealer / Materials Provider
Aug 25, 2005
Got the knife in today and have to file a complaint. I was excited about the knife and after receiving it at the PO Box I opened the box in my car.

My complaint is, what in the hell did you pack this thing with. I have never seen styrofoam peanuts like this before in my life. They exploded out of the box and disolved into little tiny white powdery snowflakes all over my car. It looked like you brought the blizzards of the country to North Carolina and put them in my Jeep. Not only did they go everywhere but they were sticky as hell. It took me 30 minutes with a shop vac to get all of this shit out of my car. It then took me another ten minutes to get it all off of me. To my knowledge I never once complained about the extra wait time on the knife so I am not sure I deserved a big FU like this:D! Whatever you did to make the peanuts so sticky, I really don't want to know:barf:

Everyone I've seen in photos, videos and the one of my two LE's that I've received so far have all had bubble wrap in them.

My guess is your box got some stuff on or in it while with the Post Office.
Got the knife in today and have to file a complaint. I was excited about the knife and after receiving it at the PO Box I opened the box in my car.

My complaint is, what in the hell did you pack this thing with. I have never seen styrofoam peanuts like this before in my life. They exploded out of the box and disolved into little tiny white powdery snowflakes all over my car. It looked like you brought the blizzards of the country to North Carolina and put them in my Jeep. Not only did they go everywhere but they were sticky as hell. It took me 30 minutes with a shop vac to get all of this shit out of my car. It then took me another ten minutes to get it all off of me. To my knowledge I never once complained about the extra wait time on the knife so I am not sure I deserved a big FU like this:D! Whatever you did to make the peanuts so sticky, I really don't want to know:barf:


Thats just funny right there!
I must say, Color me IMPRESSED!! The packaging was the foam sheet and inside the tin was Bubble Wrap. Great Job DPX/Lion Steel.
you got a HEST folder and yer squawking about packing material?

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