My new Hudson Bay

Mar 18, 2007
Great to see you with your own forum Adam!! Congratulations!

I wanted to post a couple pics of the Hudson Bay Adam did for me. I happened to see a couple of his knives on Ebay. I visited his site and I was sold. I immediately contacted Adam and placed an order for a Hudson Bay. I have been wanting a hard-use Hudson bay. I'm a big fan of Adams style. I asked him to do the handle in green canvas micarta. He informed me that he doesn't normally work with micarata but he went ahead and did me a favor.... a HUGE favor once you see the knife! :D This thing is exactly what I was hoping for. A beast of a blade and my new camp knife. Adam's work is fantastic. His quality, fit n finish and attention to detail is excellent. :thumbup: :thumbup: If you don't own one of his knives you need to soon.

Here are a couple cell pics. (sorry about the lighting and pic quality)


Thanks Dave for posting this!

I'm glad to see you like the knife. It was a pleasure working with you on that knife.

To bad I'm allergic to the resin in the micarta, it's something I would have liked to work with a little more.

Those are some good looking pictures for a cell phone.

Thanks again!
Adam does great work, he is building my third knife from him, now, and he is a great guy to talk to, just tell him what you are thinking and he will work with you to make it a great knife. I love his large trade knife he made for me, and my large style bowie camp knife is big, but not heavy in the hand, it is well balanced:thumbup:
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