needing some copper scale help

May 19, 2007
Hey guys, just got some new 91mm copper plus scales, got them glued to my compact, but I'm having a couple problems and want some advice. The pen slot is very loose, not sure how to keep the pen in place. The pin I fixed with a slight bend. The toothpick is very tight, not sure if I should sand it out a bit, same with the tweezers.

Any thoughts? Love the look of it, just want it to work well when I carry it.
Thanks guys
I have the copper scales on my explorer and I just about broke my nail off trying to pry the tweezers out. Also thanks to you I noticed how loose the pen is.

I'm putting a small dab of super glue on the edge of the plastic pen tab and am going work the tweezers and toothpick in and out a few times to see if they smooth out and if I have to slightly thin the edges of them until they're easier to deploy but secure.
Already lost my pin...
I have found that the notch where the pen goes is very susceptible to deformation, so a tiny nudge with a hard object gives just enough grip to hold the pen. GENTLY, copper is soft. I'll probably just take a few swipes with some wet/dry on a bbq skewer to see what comes of the toothpick and tweezers, oddly I don't see anywere on the toothpick that seems to be under stress or marring at all, so not sure what that means.