Review New knife acquisition: first impressions on the plainedge Kobun

Dec 7, 2019
The Kobun finally arrived this week. My Dad got it for me, and I must say I’m mostly happy with it.


Let’s start with the sheath. Looking this knife up online, some users reported that the stock belt clip had rather poor retention, and having the knife now I finally understand why. The sheath hangs on to the knife with a lot of authority, requiring more force to unsheathe the blade than I expected. The belt clip doesn’t have as much bite. The knife fits snugly, and you can be sure it won’t fall out if you, say, attach it to a vest or a backpack tip up. Since I’ll be throwing this knife in the pocket or bag most of the time, I removed the belt clip and the Kobun works fine that way. I have next to zero worries that it will unsheathe itself in my backpack.


Next up is the factory edge. It wasn’t as sharp as the Recon 1 or Voyager XL out of the box, but it was touched up easily enough. My sharpening skills won’t be impressing theoretical physicists anytime soon, but after a few passes on the rods the Kobun was gliding across paper smoothly. Time and constant use will tell how long that AUS8A keeps its edge. I hope newer generation Kobuns get updated with AUS10A steel.


The handle was thinner than my large-ish hands would prefer, but for the purpose of using this as a boot knife it is understandable. You’re getting 5.5” of blade in a fairly slender package. I do like the texturing of the handles, giving you enough traction even if your hands get... wet. The cute little tsuba is unobtrusive enough that my thumb can comfortably rest on the spine for more precise knifey work. I suppose you could wrap it with paracord to add more meat, but I decided to leave it as is.




I guess the Kobun could be used in a defensive role, but I would prefer something with a thicker and more ergonomic handle. It’s not the worst defensive blade, but there are other more optimal choices out there. That’s for another conversation.

Finally, as for philosophy of use, I can see this knife holding its own as a camp/hiking/bugout knife. It’s the sort of low-cost durable knife that you get a couple of to stow in your truck, your emergency bag, your panic room, etc. The tanto profile isn’t for everyone, but rest assured I am happy with the Kobun’s cutting performance after some touching up. I still prefer the Recon Tanto as a fixed blade tanto, but the Kobun’s not that far behind.

It has its limitations but it’s a neat little knife. Recommended!
I used a job in on a multi-day hike once and the handle is not optimal for that role, but I really appreciated that tanto tip when confronting canned goods we found in a shack without a can opener!
It looks like Cold Steel has changed the Kobun sheath...again. By my count, this latest iteration has to be version five or six. Here is the model that came with a Kobun purchased last year.


It's a pretty good sheath. I wish it came with an UltiClip rather than a plastic clip, but for the price it's just fine. (Actually, the whole Kobun package is a downright steal for the price!)

DangerZone98, if you're concerned about the robustness of the Kobun, I highly recommend that your next purchase be a Medium Warcraft Tanto. The length is practically identical, but the thickness of the Warcraft's blade is almost double that of the Kobun.



The Warcraft is nigh on indestructible. I'd pit it against any knife of its size.

It looks like Cold Steel has changed the Kobun sheath...again. By my count, this latest iteration has to be version five or six. Here is the model that came with a Kobun purchased last year.


It's a pretty good sheath. I wish it came with an UltiClip rather than a plastic clip, but for the price it's just fine. (Actually, the whole Kobun package is a downright steal for the price!)

DangerZone98, if you're concerned about the robustness of the Kobun, I highly recommend that your next purchase be a Medium Warcraft Tanto. The length is practically identical, but the thickness of the Warcraft's blade is almost double that of the Kobun.



The Warcraft is nigh on indestructible. I'd pit it against any knife of its size.

Thanks Steve. Definitely a matter of time before I pick up the warcraft tanto. I’ll probably order it through my local dealer. That is one mean looking knife. Smiling has one too and I am absolutely envious hehehe.

It’s interesting that they changed up the sheath. Perhaps as a cost-saving measure? My sheath has less material than yours.

All the best,
I can definitley reccomend Warcraft Tanto.

I was also looking at Medium version first... but them my friend sent me that he just bought a large one, and sent me a link to the page and I couldn't believe it. Large Warcraft Tanto was even bit cheaper than medium one. It was on -33% off. So I got one too. It was just an impulse to me.
It was on webshop that's mostly selling bushcraft knives and it came in an old box with tiger on it.

I guess they had some kind of stock clearance back then. But I'm even too happy with the knife.

I was thinking for a moment about which size to get, but this is a belt knife, you won't really be carrying each version as concealed EDC. This is a knife you'd take to forrest or a hike or if you're going in battle lol. And longer blade will perform better as a chopper. So I just got it.

And about it's performance - just flawless, good cutter, good chopper, and will stab into anything easily too. Good balance, very comfortable grip, insanley tough while having awesome edge retention. Coating is also smooth so it doesn't affect cutting performance.
Good review.
I think the Kobun is one of the best $35, 5.5 fixed blades in the knife industry. It looks great, as well.
I have had mine for close to ten years, but have not found a good niche for it. Mine is fairly dull just from taking it in and out of it's sheath to admire/wipe down. I wonder if they have improved their sheaths yet?
I think it would be best attached to a flack vest, law enforcement vest, skydiving, ect. I was surprised, and not surprised to see pictures of Special Forces guys with Kobuns lashed to their gear.
I think there are better, more rust-proof knife choices for the outdoors enthusiast.
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Good review.
I think the Kobun is one of the best $35, 5.5 fixed blades in the knife industry. It looks great, as well.
I have had mine for close to ten years, but have not found a good niche for it. Mine is fairly dull just from taking it in and out of it's sheath to admire/wipe down. I wonder if they have improved their sheaths yet?
I think it would be best attached to a flack vest, law enforcement vest, skydiving, ect. I think there are better, more rust-proof knife choices for the outdoors enthusiast.
Thanks partner. Based on the experiences of others here, unfortunately we still have the sheath dulling issue. I hope Cold Steel updates their sheaths soon. It’s a shame to have fine knives held back by glass interior sheaths.

I agree that it’s not the most optimal choice for the outdoorsy lad or lass. It’s a low-cost backup knife that you can stow in a couple of areas. I plan on using mine for on-the-fly food prep while quarantined at home, hahaha.