New to Kershaw, need advice

Jul 26, 2013
Alright. I would like to get into ZT knives. I've looked up kershawguy and his prices are fantastic. I definitely want a bigger knife, a step up from my dragonfly haha. Is that too big of a jump? Or should I buy the Clash and if I like that, then a ZT? I plan on getting a tenacious or Clash and then getting a ZT or manix for Christmas. Any ideas??
If you can afford the jump go for it. Especially if its going to be user just get a blem. You wont be disappointed.

I haven't done business with him personally but kershawguy gets a lot of love around here for a reason.
Go ZT! And don't look back. Buy from Dave and rest assured you'll be pleased. What's the biggest knife you're familiar with? What method of operation are you most comfortable with? 0350 seems to be a gateway ZT, I find the 030x fits me better though. My favorite and most carried is the 0550.

Do some digging with the search button and decide what you want, then shoot Dave an email.
I don't know if I mentioned this, but I'm pretty new to OWNING knives. I'm no dummy when it comes to S30V or assisted openings. I probably spent more research on knives then research for school. I haven't handled anything but a Leatherman Wave, Buck Bones, and a dragonfly 2 salt. Man I wish I had a Bass Pro Shop around me...
the 0350 is a good knife. kershawguy also has some 200's for pretty cheap, and that might be another good entry knife. ($30 more than a 0350 IIRC).
Might want to start off smaller. From a dragonfly to a full size hefty ZT is a huge difference not to mention a expensive endeavor. I own a few ZTs and hardly ever carry them because of the weight especially since I am a light user not much hard use in cutting envelopes open... So it just depends on what kind of setting you are going to mostly use it in. The action on the 0560 is worth trying though :p
I find that I'm selling most of my "lesser" Kershaws. The only ones I'm keeping are a Blur S30V, all of my Zings (I love that little flipper), and a G10 S30V Leek. ZT is coming out with some great midlength midtechs (like the 566, 770CF, Rexford 801 etc.).
the ZT 0550 is an excellent "starter" knife due to it's tank-like structure as well as being slim enough to carry around with glee. Not only that, but the scale customizing is very easy to do (as in buying customized scales from folks such as Rival and Kyptoglow).

Best part of the 0550 is that it can be either a gentleman knife or a heavy user, however you choose.
Go for the ZT! I've been wanting to make the jump as well. Or try a Blur and see how you like that.
Start slow. You obviously can't handle a ZT with that level of fear. I recommend nothing bigger than a Scallion. You might consider a leek after a couple of years, but NOT a ZT. You just can't handle it for at least 5 years or so. Dragonfly to ZT? Good Gawd, Man! What are you thinking? Next you'll be skydiving without a parachute.

How's that? What you were expecting? Don't you worry, I'll be here to hold your hand each step of the way. Because you obviously fear change that you came to this forum for such advice. I have your back. We'll get through this together. Me and You...
My first Kershaw was a Leek. Moved up a year later to the Blur and then finally to ZT's. I think thats a good progression if you are worried about size. Now when I carry a blur i feel like im carrying light.
My first Kershaw was a R.A.M. and when I first met the ZT later on, I wished I got the ZT first instead.
Similar for me; I love all of my Kershaws, but I wish I would have jumped into ZT's way sooner (then maybe I would already have a ZT 0302, lol)!
What the heck is the 'start with a Kershaw, and work your way up' thing about? Is the ZT too much to handle for some of you? It's a friggin' knife. You don't need a pair of training wheels on it first. I've never seen such a load as this, and so many of you do it! Just buy a ZT if you want one! You don't buy a Vespa to practice for a Harley, you buy a Harley and ride it.
What the heck is the 'start with a Kershaw, and work your way up' thing about? Is the ZT too much to handle for some of you? It's a friggin' knife. You don't need a pair of training wheels on it first. I've never seen such a load as this, and so many of you do it! Just buy a ZT if you want one! You don't buy a Vespa to practice for a Harley, you buy a Harley and ride it.
Would you give your 16 year-old a Ferrari as their first car?
Would you give your 16 year-old a Ferrari as their first car?

It's not a Ferrari, it's a pocket knife. They all work the same. Open knife, cut object, close knife. Not so hard.

NO, don't but a Vic OHT!!! Not without starting with a Classic, then Maybe a Cadet, the carefully move up to a Tinker. Then, after practicing for a few years, move up to the OHT, but only on odd days at first......
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What the heck is the 'start with a Kershaw, and work your way up' thing about? Is the ZT too much to handle for some of you? It's a friggin' knife. You don't need a pair of training wheels on it first. I've never seen such a load as this, and so many of you do it! Just buy a ZT if you want one! You don't buy a Vespa to practice for a Harley, you buy a Harley and ride it.

Different strokes for different folks. Some people slowly enter a swimming pool, others bellyflop right in. The OP came looking for advice, not some uber-macho attitude.