Not your everyday Khukuri display stands


Platinum Member
Feb 18, 2010
A friend of mine on another forum was the winner of a special fund raising GAW of this 12-3/4" over all, Katunje Knife. It went to a worthy cause and my knife display spaces are limited - I don't have ANY. ;)

Anyway - once he won the Katunjie my friend asked if I could make a display stand for it. He wanted something "Ray Made" for it. He has seen the one I made for the Uncle BILL DRAGON KNIFE which I won in an earlier fund raiser here on HI. It's now back in Auntie's deserving hands.


I didn't think my friends new KATUNJE was quite in the league of the DRAGON but still warranted something unique. After a while I was inspired and created this "natural" stand.



As I had learned earlier here on HI from a thread by Howard Wallace Howard Wallace , the Nepales have used POLYPORES, aka, tree conks for their ceremonial/shamanic masks. It seemed somehow fitting to use this huge (by Maine standards) polypore as the basis of this stand.

Quite a mantel full. :) Thanks for looking.
Very creative.

I hadn't realized that polypores were sturdy enough to be used that way.
Many thanks for that link, which is new to me. Leave it to Howard to come up with a topic like that. At least he wasn't munching on halibut eyes, that time...
Those are both gorgeous. Ingenius designs that will look great anywhere they are displayed.
That is way too Khul! Where can I find about two hundred of them? ...or maybe one about 12 foot in diameter!
That is way too Khul! Where can I find about two hundred of them? ...or maybe one about 12 foot in diameter!
I think the big ones are in the Pacific North West. Mine is a little guy compared to those, easily 2 to 3 times as big. You might need to gang up 4 or 5 to get to 12' but you'll never do it with the Maine versions.

This guy might only be 5'2" (of course, he might be bigger than that too) but his stand is certainly bigger than my 13" version.
