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Number Ratings When Selling

It isn't feasible. A good description just describes all of the elements. You don't have to be super detailed, but should try to cover:

1. Blade centering
2. Detent
3. Action (smooth, gritty, slow, drop shut?)
4. Lockup (is it good, is it super late)
5. Blade play (up or down)
6. State of the edge (sharp, dull, chips, etc.)
7. Scratches anywhere on the knife
8. Any other issues (stripped screw, bent clip, weird grind issue, whatever)
Maybe slightly more reliable than people rating people based on their desirability as potential romantic partners.

I’ll show myself out.
Romance is where it all starts, but I have a couple of knives that I have loved from the start and have proven to be more loyal than some of the women that I have known.
let the pictures do the talking, practically everyone has a decent mobile phone these days which are capable of taking pretty high res pictures. then feedback. Another fun one is, if its gec knives, if you wiped the factory oil off, its not NIT any more.
Romance is where it all starts, but I have a couple of knives that I have loved from the start and have proven to be more loyal than some of the women that I have known.
Here here! My SHFs will love me forever, my wife barely tolerates me 😂
I just looked on amazon and arranged it by the best seller, and it was an extreme ops Smith & Wesson knife for 12 bucks and it had 54,000 reviews. That surprised me.