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Oliver Plomion

Bill Siegle

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Feedback: 341 / 0 / 0
Oct 3, 2000
Last june I sent off one of my custom machetes and a CRK Warrior to Oliver in trade for a Beck WSK. My stuff was recieved but the WSK never showed. I gave it time to appear during a postal investigation but nothing ever came of that. Oliver then tried to get another WSK made but had no luck. He said he would pay me for the knives and a price was agreed upon and a payment schedule set up. Nothing was paid with the reason being he was out of town and his wife Rikke didn't know how to do Paypal. After no contact for a while, I am informed he was hurt on the job as a police officer. I gave it a little while longer. Upon his return home he said he'd send off my knives to me. It has been almost two months since the machete supposedly was sent out and still nothing. The Warrior I sent him had been given away as a birthday present so he said he was going to buy one and have it shipped to me directly at the end of April. I asked in an Email last week what the date was he planned on doing that and if he'd put in a claim on the now "lost" machete. I still have had no response. The last couple of times I have gotten him to email me back have been after I have told him I was close to posting this publicaly. I am very upset as I am sure you can understand. I can see how things get away from a guy and hey stuff happens but my feelings at this point are that if everything was truthful he should at the very least be keeping commo up without me having to prompt a response. I want to believe I will get my blades back but at this point I honestly don't think I will.
1. Wait until trade goods arrive, or are at least verifiably on way to your destination until shipping.
2. Don't do trades overseas.
3. Always, always KNOW who you are dealing with.

You are a knifemaker, and have been around a while, you are supposed to know this stuff.

Best Regards,

STeven Garsson

I have been a fan of your blades ever since seeing some pics of the big Bolos. Beautiful work!

I'm sorry hear you're being taken advantage of by someone who is not showing a lot of integrity.
A couple of years ago there was a real bad episode on this forum having to do with Oliver. I'm not sure if everything got worked out back then or not. It is a shame to see his name in association with another bad situation.
Keith Montgomery said:
A couple of years ago there was a real bad episode on this forum having to do with Oliver. I'm not sure if everything got worked out back then or not. It is a shame to see his name in association with another bad situation.

i remember that too, hope all gets worked out ok.
Well the deadline he set of when he was going to buy and send a new Warrior has come and gone. Also no answer to my Emails. To me I feel it is appropriate to name Oliver as a thief. He's had my property for way too long and I don't believe he ever had any intentions of compensating me. My advise would be DO NOT DEAL WITH THIS PERSON!!!!!
That sucks bro, what a pile!!:grumpy:
Wonder if he'll have the kahuna's to try and explain himself on this post/forum.
i dunno i havent seen oliver on this forum in months if not yrs IIRC.
Well he is aware of this post for sure as he was in contact with me in regard to it. He is still registered here but not very active of late. He had a pretty good rep and that's why I figured he was good to go for a trade. Apparantly he's making different choices in regards to his honor and how he treats others.
I think it has become obvious why Oliver is not active here.

I hope he's not another Artsig (minus the dope) and issues empty promises of payment but it sorta looks like it......
I was contacted by another fellow who has dealt with Oliver. He says Oliver is not policeman and that he has used a similar "injured " story before only then he was fireman. Next time I think he should go for astronaut :) I guess as long as he denies what he really is, the story will not change. Other than being POed at him he is actually quite a sad little man I guess :(
Well at the very least the info on this bum is out there so others can avoid him.
SIFU1A said:
i dunno i havent seen oliver on this forum in months if not yrs IIRC.

He was checking out the forum the day after the original post in this thread was made. He used to post on threads like this to let people know waht was happening. It seems that he no longer feels the need to come here and try to straighten things out.
That sucks bro... Sad that some people have to use the internet to not only rip off honest folk but make themselves out to be something they are not.
I remember explicitly that Oliver said he was a full time Police Officer and a part time soldier.

He is also a fireman, a mall nija, a wannabe and a ................................THIEF???
Well Oliver was just in touch with me to deny lieing about his occupation :) Of course no mention of my knives. Gotta love it. Steals from me and his big concern is to make sure folks know he is a policeman :jerkit:
Did he say anything about straightening out the matter between you and he?
Nope no mention of a resolution. Just he's POed about the job thing. His wife has now been in contact with me and she indicated he's upset at ME over MY attitude! She also indicated he had/has all the shipping info about the missing shipment but of course I still haven't seen it. I was told way back about 2 months ago he couldn't provide it as his wife had the info. Just feels to me like more run around. All I want is my stuff back and this will all end. Till then I am forced to keep this issue out to be seen. Heck he can of course come on out and let anyone know if my facts are wrong at any time. He surely can defend his actions here if he wants.
His wife is not upset over Oliver's handling of this?

Not cool for a Police Officer as it reeks of irresponsibility!!!