Optional TiNives Clip?

Apr 9, 1999
You've mentioned a titanium clip is optional ,and should fit all TiNives models.

Is the design finalized?

Is it available now?


I know you are probably looking for an answer from TiNives but I will try to help out a little. I just ordered and received a Tactical Speedroller 4.25 (check out my review in the Reviews forum) and when I purchased it I was given the choice of getting a clip or going clipless and getting the pocket sheath instead. I chose the second option. From what I was told of the clip, it is titanium and is said to be well integretated into the overall design of the knife. I hope this helps.
Hi Recluse,

Thanks for the information. I have the same slip clip pouch like you have. I kind of feel that handle is a little too slim, and like to see if adding a clip can help the holding feeling.

I hope the TiNives can provide the latest update information about their "Optional Clip".

Best Regards,