Off Topic Parallel Snarking

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Stupid truck, half way home from getting groceries, it just quit running. Heavy traffic at a light, half mile away from home, groceries in the bed, yadda, yadda, yadda. Tag teamed the groceries home, it eventually fired up, ran like crap enough to limp home. I guess my mechanic will have another job soon enough. Deja vu, seems like it has done this to me before, in almost the same intersection, I think it was the same intersection. o_O
Stupid truck, half way home from getting groceries, it just quit running. Heavy traffic at a light, half mile away from home, groceries in the bed, yadda, yadda, yadda. Tag teamed the groceries home, it eventually fired up, ran like crap enough to limp home. I guess my mechanic will have another job soon enough. Deja vu, seems like it has done this to me before, in almost the same intersection, I think it was the same intersection. o_O
Have you considered taking an alternate route home?

Well. My grand plan for bagging up 1500+ pounds of arsenic for disposal at the chemicals cleanup this Saturday has taken a hit.

Almost got the tractor stuck mowing the waterway down to the old hand house it's stored in. Had the tractor NOT had 4Wd capability, it would yard art for a while. Not good, since the last "large quantity" cleanup day was the entire Obummer era plus a over a year into Trump's.
Well. My grand plan for bagging up 1500+ pounds of arsenic for disposal at the chemicals cleanup this Saturday has taken a hit.

Almost got the tractor stuck mowing the waterway down to the old hand house it's stored in. Had the tractor NOT had 4Wd capability, it would yard art for a while. Not good, since the last "large quantity" cleanup day was the entire Obummer era plus a over a year into Trump's.
1500lbs of arsenic and a crop duster could be useful:D
Just 12 to go...

Put the Spec-Ops Rucksack into rotation for ropes gear. Because it's wide, it holds all my vert gear, including helmet, plus rescue rigs. Added two holders for water bottles.

slowly i turned, step by step...

heyyyyy, fun times. started hewing up that pine that came down, should make a nice timber... but then realized i was doing it half adzed, so i should wait until i can truly get it squared, might as well do it goodly, but still, it was quite nice to be swinging an axe at something.
Just 12 to go...

Put the Spec-Ops Rucksack into rotation for ropes gear. Because it's wide, it holds all my vert gear, including helmet, plus rescue rigs. Added two holders for water bottles.

View attachment 885945

i should probably get off my duff and start some climbing again, or at least setup a place to hang and practice prusiks and other techniques again, esp with an eye towards logging adventures, it's a slow spring, but it's coming ...

next weekend is a tool auction, should be entertaining. the weekends are filling up fast, esp for April and May
i should probably get off my duff and start some climbing again, or at least setup a place to hang and practice prusiks and other techniques again, esp with an eye towards logging adventures, it's a slow spring, but it's coming ...

next weekend is a tool auction, should be entertaining. the weekends are filling up fast, esp for April and May
I just need to get off my duff. Gonna start lifting weights again next week.
Guyon Guyon What's your typical load out weight? I'm climbing with 35lbs 2 day winter and around 22lbs 2 day Summer. Your load must be insanely heavy just based on the type of gear you have to carry. Not even taking in account any luxury items.
Guyon Guyon What's your typical load out weight? I'm climbing with 35lbs 2 day winter and around 22lbs 2 day Summer. Your load must be insanely heavy just based on the type of gear you have to carry. Not even taking in account any luxury items.

climbing with that load? hah, i should be rucking that to start, and also on the mtn bike :D
slowly i turned, step by step...

heyyyyy, fun times. started hewing up that pine that came down, should make a nice timber... but then realized i was doing it half adzed, so i should wait until i can truly get it squared, might as well do it goodly, but still, it was quite nice to be swinging an axe at something.
That was truly one straight looking piece of timber.
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