PGA#3 for 2/19 -- Very beefy 2.25 lb chiruwa AK by Sanu. Pix & deal.

Mar 5, 1999
Here's a beautifully done 16.5", 2.25 lb heavy duty Chiruwa AK made by Sanu. The knife had a little rust near the tip which Vikash sanded off. I think you may be able to see the sanded area in the pix. So, all this blade needs to bring the knife to 10/10 is some 2000 grit sandpaper applied to the tip. Great knife and meant to do some serious work.

Karda and chakma fine.

Scabbard and frog are excellently done by village sarki in new style leather. There's a hole in the scabbard on the backside near the seam about the size of a half pea. Village sarki has filled the hole with wax. I'd apply black Kiwi polish and forget the little hole is there.

We'll deliver this heavy duty chopper to your door today for $95 -- $50 off regular.

Call or email if interested.


  • pga#3 for 2-19 -- 16.5 inch chiruwa ak by sanu.jpg
    pga#3 for 2-19 -- 16.5 inch chiruwa ak by sanu.jpg
    91.4 KB · Views: 290
Darn, I missed it ;) But now I have a BladeForums userID so (maybe) I can jump on the next one...

Oh, by the way, howdy to everyone,<br>
Welcome to the Cantina dhuff!

Next time, call Uncle first, e-mail Uncle second, then post in the forum.

After a verbal confirmation nothing can keep your khukuri from you, execept the mail man.
Welcome to the forums...

To get yer hands on a PGA or UBDOD you should phone or e-mail Uncle Bill first. Then post a message on the forums to gloat. :)
Or you could phone or email Uncle first and then post on the forum--third times a charm:p :p

Welcome Dhuff!:D I was just teasin Bruise's repeatin;)
So just to help a newbie out a bit, what do the acronyms PGA and UBDOD actually stand for ? <br>
PGA = Pala's give away

Communist rebals are making a loud ruccas in Nepal, and doing a good job of making everything go to Uncle's father in law, Pala (if I remember this correctly) is practically giving away knives.

UBDOTD = Uncle Bill's deal of the day.
Uncle's normal crazy give aways...

Also there is a 20% of anything in stock untill further notice. They really really need money to relocate and get away from those crazy maoists.

My suggestion is to buy one for everyone in your family, they come in various shapes and sizes so you can fit them to your needs. ;) :p
SamuraiDave wrote:

Also there is a 20% of anything in stock untill further notice.

20% off the prices I see at the store on ? Hmmm...I've been lurking around waiting for a "PGA" for a WWII model, but that's tempting :)

I've decided on this model since I got interested in the Gorkhas, and thus in the khukuris, through stories my father use to tell about encountering Gorkha troops in N. Africa during WWII (Dad was in the 3rd Inf Div in N. Africa and Italy during the war).<br>