Pipe Hawk?????

Jan 5, 2005
Any info on them yet. When can we see them or when will they be ready to order. Thanks...
I am so glad someone brought this up! Any new info on them, huh, huh, huh?!?!?

Pretty Please!
You could've brought it up. I'm still trying to figure which way to finish them. Right now they'd all be different and one of a kind pieces and I was trying to avoid that and do something streamlined but I've been trying so many different methods, some have horsehair & beads, with & without leather. Bone or wood poker pegs, no mouthpiece or buffalo horn mouthpiece, polished or rubbed finish, etc.

All have drilled, curly maple handles, fully functional.

It's been hard to decide because I wasn't trying to make them art, I tried to keep them simple so that people could do the work themselves and I may sell them that way, too.

I'll get a picture up later today.
Personaly, I would like to be able to customize my own. But some people may want them already finished. They sound great! Can't wait for the pics. Thanks Suzanne...
A lot of people do fix them up themselves. What I've done in the past is sell them "finished" i.e. head set & drilled, handle finished and that's it. you do everything else yourself. They're $99.00 that way.
NorthStarXO said:
A lot of people do fix them up themselves. What I've done in the past is sell them "finished" i.e. head set & drilled, handle finished and that's it. you do everything else yourself. They're $99.00 that way.

That sounds like what I'm looking for, less is more IMO.

I had no idea you were this close to being done with them. :thumbup:
Updates are coming and again with apologies for lack of posting. There have been some huge delays & production issues but we're working to get everything and everyone back on track. There were some medical issues with Paul due to an injury but he's okay and now we've been working on some legal issues that hopefully will not only be cleared up but I'll be able to post the details after Tuesday the 1st. I'll keep everyone updated better but it's been a mess the past couple weeks.