PM2 Salt owners, how is it going in and out of the pocket?


Gold Member
May 18, 2015
No opportunities to handle one locally, and I'm always a bit wary of texturing like this when the clip's contact point lands right on it.

Would love to hear impressions from folks who own one. :)
Since no one is chiming in I’ll share what I have.

I bought a couple of the Magnacut for gifts so I haven’t used them and can only speak from my impression after handling them. Those Salt scales are REALLY aggressive in their texturing. My guess is that daily use would destroy the pocket it was going in and out of and, given time, the texture would flatten out under the clip where it contacts the scale. G10 is incredibly resilient, so I would expect the wear on the scale to take a while.
Since no one is chiming in I’ll share what I have.

I bought a couple of the Magnacut for gifts so I haven’t used them and can only speak from my impression after handling them. Those Salt scales are REALLY aggressive in their texturing. My guess is that daily use would destroy the pocket it was going in and out of and, given time, the texture would flatten out under the clip where it contacts the scale. G10 is incredibly resilient, so I would expect the wear on the scale to take a while.
Thank you, that's super helpful. :)
Hi Dadpool,

If I've got a clip that I think is too tight, I will usually bend the clip out a little bit to ease pressure for easy retrieval.

Thanks, Sal! I'm comfortable bending clips in to increase tension, but have never tried bending one out. I bet if I can manage one, I can manage the other. :)
No opportunities to handle one locally, and I'm always a bit wary of texturing like this when the clip's contact point lands right on it.

Would love to hear impressions from folks who own one. :)
In the “middle” between Cold Steel pocket shredding G10 and standard Spyderco Peel-ply! I definitely have to hold the pocket tight to insert in loose cargo shorts.
I prefer tight clips so as not to loose a knife. (it has happened) I've never had issues with pocket damage where the pants weren't also worn badly in other areas due to age. In other words, I don't mind pocket damage if it means I keep my knife. :cool:
If I came across as it’s “too agressive,” I apologize. I love the scales: they’re perfect for a work knife especially if you have to use the knife with leather gloves.
Gosh no, not at all. I hope it didn't read like your response bugged me in any way. I love Spyderco's typical peel-ply aggressivness, I strongly dislike Cold Steel's pants-shredding G10, and I've owned knives I'd put somewhere between those two ends of the spectrum. It's a great description and told me exactly what I wanted to know. :)