Pocket clip slipjoints

Sep 18, 2001
I would really like to start collecting more slipjoints, but I have come to love the convneience of the pocket/clothing clip for everyday knives. I was hoping that the Kershaw Double Cross/Duty would have one, but it does not. I've been looking for a while but have not been able to find such a knife. Are there any production slipjoints which are available with a clip?

Also, did Bulldog stop selling knives or something? I was going to buy a few, but last time I checked both 1SKS and Knifecenter had removed their selection.
I've just gotten into slipjoints and have also had difficulty finding Bulldog knives online...
I believe the Spyderco Pride (incredibly non traditional, but it is a slipjoint) will have a pocket clip. Don't quote me, but I can't imagine it NOT having one.
I don't think pocket clips are such a good idea on a typical slipjoint sized knife. I have a Spyderco mini dyad, and it just doesn't ride right. Seems to get twisted around and tries to slip out of my pocket. I bought a couple of cheap small belt pouches to carry SJ's. Keeps 'em handy, and away from pocket change, lint, etc. The best I've found for this were made by Schrade and are "horizontal".

numberthree check out www.ndsproducts.com for bulldogs. Do a search for bulldog knives.

Most slipjoints I've seen are "pocket knives". Where I live we trade slipjoints all the time. When we all get together we have as many as 4-5 or more "pocket knives" in our pockets at a time. I couldn't imagine having them clipped to my pockets. Don't get me wrong I do like my EDC or BM942 clipped to my pocket. I even hope to own a Sebenza one day but "Traditional knives" will always fill my pocket. Just my thoughts...


If you really like the convenience of a pocket clip, you may want to try a William Henry slip case or something else similar. I have yet to see a slip-joint with a pocket clip.

Thanks for the link Dean, that was very helpful. Sadly they don't seem to have the Viking whittler on there, though I understand it's newer so maybe it's coming soon...
You can contact Bulldog Knives direct at 1-800-247-0599 (orders only) and unless they just sold out, they have the Viknigs in stock. I was just on the phone with them this afternoon.

I deal in a bunch of slip joints and I really don't remember ever seeing one with a pocket clip.

Perry (Knifekid):D :D
The only slipjoint I ever saw with a pocket clip is a Case Sodbuster I put a clip on. It's too big to carry well in a pocket, but works real well with a clip. I put a clip on a Copperlock, too. People make fun, but I like 'em. I can even open the Copperlock one-handed. That's something I've wanted for a while, a knife that's as handy as a tactical, but looks like a slipjoint. The Copperlock looks a little funny, but the large, black clip from Koval Knives looks like it belongs on the Sodbuster.
I KNEW that answer was going to be here. OK, I won't sell you one of my sliptacs. Actually, I only put 'em on to annoy a SJ fan I work with. But I liked 'em after I did it, and it's real funny to hear the old guy try to talk me out of the Sodbuster without admitting he likes it.
Walking on thin ice there, Wirebender. SJ heresy compounded by "old guy" bashing.
I can't stand them on anything. Much less a Slippie. Got to feel the knife in the pocket. Not riding on top. I keep losing knives if I use a pocket clip. Can't get my hand in or out of my pockets or they get pushed out of my back pocket. Just my preference.
I have stayed out of this thread cause I was afraid of what I would post :).

Not a bad thought fishbulb, just not my cup of tea (since I remove them or ask the maker not to put them on my other knives :D).

I gotta go with nifrand and Greg on clips, but I can see that there is a untapped market. You may have started something!
My personal preference is also to not have pocket clips on slipjoints. I don't really see a need there. Many others have raised this issue in the past, so I am sure that there would be a market.

Edited because of poor spelling.
I'll never understand what some people have against convenience.;)

Seriously, besides the purist point of view, is there any other reason nobody makes a clippable slipjoint. I could see why you wouldn't want to apply a lot of spring pressure to a fragile bone or wood insert, but there are so many good plastic handled SJs availabe that this wouldn't be a real concern.
Back in the 70's I had a big 'melon taster' SJ that had a pocket clip.
The clip was more like a pen clip than what we have now.
The guy that gave it to me was a butcher and kept one in his apron/shirt pocket.
I wonder where that went...
Hi fishbulb, the way I see it to each his own. One person's convenience might be another person's bain.

I have just never held a clipped knife in my hand that did not feel better without a clip. It is just my life style. If I need a knife in a hurry I will be on a river or camping and in that case I use a fixed blade in a sheath.

I wear slacks most of the time in an office setting (vertical pocket openings). I just do not like advertising the fact I have a knife on me in an urban setting. Has nothing to do with PC and I do not need a knife for "defensive purposes" whatever that means since that is what a .45 is for. :).
Yeah, I need to stop the "old guy" bashing, but some of them just bug me.:) BTW, I nagged Grandma into buying my first SJ about 1956, so the guys I bash are mostly too old to do much about it!

I guess some of us will just have to bug Spark to start a new Sliptac forum.:)