Post pictures of your Emersons here!

Jun 23, 2012
Please forgive me if i am oversteping my boundries, but I looked through all 3 pages on this forum and did not see a photo thread (except the glossary sticky, which appears to be just for customs), so I thought I would be so bold as to create one.

Emersons are my favorite brand, and I like seeing what all the other enthusiasts own.

So post your family pics, new, old, favorites, customs, and whatever. Let's share the happiness! :D

I'll start

My new ETAK

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P.S. Sorry about the shoddy cell phone pics, I don't own a camera, so I do what I can.


Not pictured- my Mini-15
Ebidis, you have some awesome blades!! I think I need an ETAK. The tanto reminds me of the Zealot :)
Here's my family:D Only one not in the picture is my '06 HD-7 BTS which a friend is borrowing at the moment.

Please forgive me if i am oversteping my boundries, but I looked through all 3 pages on this forum and did not see a photo thread (except the glossary sticky, which appears to be just for customs), so I thought I would be so bold as to create one.

Not just for customs in that other thread, it's for everything pretty much, the catch all bin. Look at the last few pages.
Ebidis, you have some awesome blades!! I think I need an ETAK. The tanto reminds me of the Zealot :)

Thanks, I am really loving the ETAK. The handle is a lot more comfortable than it looks. The more I hold it, the more I love it.