Pro Series Lahar

Nov 5, 2004
Ok, guys here are a few quick pictures of the Pro Series Lahar. The ones pictured are the large size 3.5" blade and I am also doing small ones with 3" blades. These also feature the IKBS bearing system. The blades are CPM154CM and are hand ground with false edge. The finish on the blades are a fine belt/scotchbrite on the bevels and satin flats.

They are available in two colors Blue and Brown. I think you all will like the jigged machining on the handles as it provides just the right amount of grip.

The blades will be serial numbered and if you have purchased a Pro Series JYD you get first crack at the same number in the same size that you purchased.

I am taking pre-orders on both the large and small. If you would like to get one send me an email and I will put you on the list. Also specify what color you would like. No deposit required. I have some other things to take care of in the shop so the first ones will not ship for a month or so.

These are a little bit more than the JYD's as they have hand ground blades.

$475 for the large
$425 for the small

On to the pics.........





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OOOPs, I forgot to put that in the description. Yes, they do feature the IKBS bearing system.
Wow, they look really great Tim!:thumbup: I'll definitely take my #24 again. Can I wait just a bit to pick the color though??:eek:

Fantastic knives. Unbelievable price. My JYD #47 is downright addictive. Must have brown Lahar!

Can we see some pics of the small and a aproximate weight of both large and small please?

I will try to snap a photo next week, I don't have any small ones completed yet but getting close.
