problem with custom knife

Feb 8, 2002
I have a knife that I bought from a Mastersmith to use for hunting. After using the knife to cut up a 1.5 year old doe I noticed a nik in the blade. I did not use it to cut the pelvis, although I did use it to cut down the side of the sternum where the ribs are connected with cartilage. Should this of happened? How should I approach the knifemaker?
First, these things happen. I suppose the first question i would have is how big is the nick. I wouldnt hessitate contacting the maker if youre worried about it and just tell him what happened and what his thoughts are. See what he says and go from there
Contact the maker and explain what happened. Just be open and honest with him and see what he says. Like Marlowe said, these things happen. I feel for you but the only one that can help you is the maker. I'm sure he'll welcome the opportunity look the blade over and either repair or replace it. I hope things work out well for you but I'm sure there won't be a problem. That Mastersmith's mark is on your blade.
Im with everyone else here most makers will fix the problem without hesitation. I know i would anyway but i dont know what kind of knife it is so that could make a differance.
A chip of any kind when properly field dressing game would cause me to wonder if your blade isnt a bit brittle.

Contact the maker by phone and ask him to take a look the knife for you. He will most certainly want to see it in person. Have you tried flexing the edge over a brass rod to test toughness?

Call the maker. Send him the knife. Let us know the results.
Is the nick you mentioned a dent or a chip? One would be pretty easy to fix, one would not. I think the advice given so far covers what I would recommend pretty well.
If the nick is very small the knife probably just had the wrong edge for you. Call the maker and discuss it with him; The guy can make things right so that the knife works best for you.


BTW, Welcome to the Forums.
Thanks for all of the info. I will contact him. Is anyone going to the blade show this weekend in Little Rock? I will be learning about lamaze with my wife. I might be there Sunday.