Photos Quick Overnighter

Aug 28, 2013
So I had the weekend all to myself for once, and decided to do a quick overnighter somewhere. Wanted to check out a local stream to get a little fly fishing in. My stepson decided to join in on the festivities. Brought the pooch too. Picked out a place off of an old oil road where it got close enough to the stream that we could bushwhack in.

Weather had been great all week (for the past few weeks, really), but the night before a big storm system has gone through. Hoping the river wasn't in too bad of shape, we headed out.

Start of trail:

We slogged through the forest OK, but as we got further down towards the river, we encountered a lot of deadfall and swampy areas. managed to get to the river OK, and found an area to set up.

Somebody found the river:

The elusive dogfish:

Brought some tools (duh, of course); first up was the trusty BK4 to make a bough bed for under my hammock, so I can stand, and the dog has somewhere to sleep off of the mud. Then I set up my Hammock:

After the sleeping areas were tended to, we hit the river. But just as I had feared, the was high and muddy and fast. Not the best for fishing. Went out anyways to try.

Didn't catch a thing, and to top it all off, a huge storm cell came through as we were up the creek. Got pelted with hail as we were trying to get back, and we both managed to get dunked in the even faster flowing water.

Got back to camp, changed clothes and started processing some wood for a fire.

Coffee's on:

Evening was spent around a smoky fire, eating non descript freeze dried meals and drying our clothes.

The next morning, the sun was out in full force. got better fire going this time, cooked up some breaky, and enjoyed the scenery.

Showdown across the river:

Tried a little more fishing, but the river was still in poor shape. Went back to camp for some lunch.

Packed up just as another storm cell was heading in. Managed to slog our was through the swamps, over all the deadfall, and back up to the truck. Slowly. I managed to step into a seemingly innocent soggy patch of land and sink damn near up to my nipples in swampy water. Still showering that stink off...

Anyways, still had a fun time. I'll leave you with this parting shot of the Machax in its natural environment:

Thanks for looking!
Looks like a good time man, thanks for sharing. Even when I catch no fish I still have a lot of fun. Haven't been for some time now.

This makes me wanna get out in the sticks...
Looks like a good time man, thanks for sharing. Even when I catch no fish I still have a lot of fun. Haven't been for some time now.

This makes me wanna get out in the sticks...

Thanks Dubz...yeah fish would've been nice, but I'm out there more to enjoy the scenery and commune with nature. well worth it.
Thanks Dubz...yeah fish would've been nice, but I'm out there more to enjoy the scenery and commune with nature. well worth it.
No problem. I hear ya man. I always say there's nothing like some woods time to soothe the soul.
Gorgeous countryside! Thanks for taking the time to snap some pics. Is that a Ruffwear pack on the pooch?
Good stuff Aiki! I'm jealous, haven't been out to play in the woods for a while now! Is your dog an Aikita?
Looks like great fun!
Fine scenery.

Thanks danny. Was a good time.

Gorgeous countryside! Thanks for taking the time to snap some pics. Is that a Ruffwear pack on the pooch?

Thanks G. Yeah there's definitely some nice scenery out here.
His pack is just a cheapo one I got off the river store. He's worn it like 4 times and it's already falling apart at the seams. Gonna have to upgrade it to a better one one these days.

Good stuff Aiki! I'm jealous, haven't been out to play in the woods for a while now! Is your dog an Aikita?

Thanks bravo. Needed some dirt time for sure. Everybody thinks my dogs an Aikita :). He's a husky-collie mix.

Nice man sounds like a great time!!!

Thanks James!
Thanks bravo. Needed some dirt time for sure. Everybody thinks my dogs an Aikita :). He's a husky-collie mix!

Ohh man great dog for sure I got a bordor (border collie/Labrador) man idk bout yours but mines just too smart lol must be the collie
Ohh man great dog for sure I got a bordor (border collie/Labrador) man idk bout yours but mines just too smart lol must be the collie

Yeah...unfortunately he didn't get anything in the collie brains department lol. He's all husky - pull pull pull and head down, straight line running. :)
Awesome outing, A Aikiguy ! Always great to get out in the woods, I can never do it enough. I am really looking forward to having this summer end, the fall will bring on some better weather and hopefully far more treks on my part. Thanks for sharing your adventure with us, great stuff.
Some lovely scenery and what looks to ba great time..... living life "out" always recharges my batteries....... Thank you for sharing the wet times and good times!!!!!! ...... may I ask the approximate location?......

All Best.....
Some lovely scenery and what looks to ba great time..... living life "out" always recharges my batteries....... Thank you for sharing the wet times and good times!!!!!! ...... may I ask the approximate location?......

All Best.....

This is what I was gonna ask. Daddy needs somma that!

Thanks Boss, Fal'er. The batteries definitely feel recharged, for a bit anyways lol. This was the northern part of Alberta, on the Freeman River. There are supposedly Arctic Grayling in the river (which neither of us have caught before), which is why we tried there. Theres a better grayling river a little further north, but it doesn't heat up fish-wise until Sept-Oct. We're definitely going to hit that in the fall.
Beautiful country up there! Thanks for taking pics and sharing. I love to see the wild in other parts.