Raising Money

Bobby Branton

Dec 12, 1998

Exactly how is the AKTI funded?

Are you looking into ways to raise money?
If so what ideas do you have to raise money?
I have a couple of ideas if anyone at the top is interested. You can e mail me off the fourms.

Bobby Branton
There primary means of funding is through Membership.

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

AKTI is funded by the members (& the donations of he regents). The more members, the more funds. The more funds, the more AKTI can do.
I'b be willing to make a donation every month. Maybe we can come up with another level of membership for those who make monthly contributions or something. I dunno...-AR

- AKTI Member ID# A000322

- Intelligent men, unfortunately, learn from fools, more often than fools learn from intelligent men.

I paid my $15 membership and made a donation over and above that.

Many folks make annual charitable donations. knife folks can simply add AKTI into that mix.

For some complex reasons, including private superstition, I've been sending 10% of knife sales over $50 to a "non-profit" of the customer's choice. Some customers specify AKTI. When the customer doesn't mention one, I send the "good karma cut" to AKTI by default.

$15 is a minimum contribution. The more $ AKTI has, the more we can do as a group., I saw many Knife enthusists offer up more than $15 at the Blade show. Many cannot afford more than $15, but those that can, please feel free to do so.

My responsibility is Public Relations,so I'm more interested in what the forumites can do to help me "get the word out". Recruiting brings in funds, which is important, but recruiting brings awareness to something that most are not aware of.

I personally feel that "zero tolerance" in schools is excessive. There can be no problem with a youngster in a small town school carrying a small SAK. Our leaders are confused as to "bad people carrying weapons with evil intent" as opposed to "responsible law abiding students carrying a small knife to cut things with, not cut people". This is especially true in colleges which house our brightest and the future leaders of our country. We have much work to do.