Rambler > Classic

I suppose if I were a young guy just starting out, I'd go with a rambler. On paper, it just makes more sense and it does away with the slightly annoying cons of the classic. Like the blade being on the keyring end, and no really really small Phillips.

But...and its a really big but...I'm not a young guy, in fact am an old fossil that is very set in his ways, more than slightly curmudgeonly. (Think A man Called Otto.) And due my hatred of change, and once used to something I will use it until St. Peter blows his horn, I go with a classic because I am used to the classic. Just like I go with a 50 year old Smith and Wesson revolver, a 60 Year old Marlin rifle, even though there are so called "Better" choices around, I go with what I've always used, and works for me. To me, the classic is like the humble Bic stick pen. Yes, the loose cap is a bit of a pain and can be lost, yes, there are better writing pens around, but after using something for 50 or 60 years, it gets to be a hard habit to break.

The Rambler is a great little knife/tool, but it does not have the availability of the classic. I mean, the classic is EVERYWHERE. Big box stores, small sports stores, hardware stores, used in large numbers for dirt cheap at gun shows where they sell TSA confiscations, most of which seem to be classics. A few ramblers, mini champs, and other SAK's in small numbers, but mostly classics. One lady at the local gun show I go to, has them in such numbers that they sell for 5 dollars for one, but if you buy three or more, then it's 3 dollars a classic. Most of them are in very good shape and just need a cleaning.

Yeah, if I were some young guy in the beginning, I'd go rambler, but I'm not, so they will send my off to the great beyond with a classic in my pocket. I'm just too damm used to the classic to change now.
What, no peanut for your final trip?