Recommendations for stag handled slipjoint ???

Jan 31, 2002
Wonder if anyone can help.
I've woken up today with the 'need' to buy a stag handled (or any other fancy materialed) slipjoint folder. :)

Size isnt much of an issue, although blade no larger than 3" would be ideal.

Also it needs to have a decent steel. I'll admit I dont know much when it comes to this area, so any comments, suggestions, words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.

If any one could point me in the right direction that'd be great.


PS: Production, not Custom.
Take a look at <a href="">this</a> one.
These are the ones I'd die for, but have contented myself to purchasing stag handled Bulldog German slipjoints. They much less expensive, and Bulldog makes an awesome large stockman.
I would suggest hunting down a WhiteWing trapper or surveyor in stag and 3V. These are high end production pieces. The steel is great for edge retention and toughness. The craftsmanship is top end and the stag is first rate. The BEST stag handled production slipjoint out bar none IMO.

Chris carlson has one for sale currently, and they are hard to find...

I'm a bit of a Stag Junkie and slipjoints is the direction I want to go in with my collection. I have a couple of production slipjoints and although there are some very nice production and semi-production knives being made, (Whitewing's in particular) what I really want are customs. I think PJ Tomes does some of the finest slipjoints being made, and he can do things with stag nobody else can do. But, you're interested only in production knives, probably because you think customs are too expensive.

You've gotten some very good choices here, I'd like to add a couple that haven't been mentioned. A couple of years ago John Russell & Sons put out a limited edition Barlow set in stag, my wife gave me a set for Christmas, they are the best I have. The stag is as pretty as any stag I own. I think the set originally sold for around $200, you might be able to find a set still available. The Baby Barlow would make a great carry knife in the size you requested and the Daddy Barlow is just real impressive. I'm sorry I don't know the steel used, but these are very high quality knives. The Barlow pattern is a classic going back to the 1700's and is one of my favorites.

I'll second Bulldog Brand.
I just got the large stockman about a week ago. Beautiful knife. Still haven't had the guts to really use it. I'm still in the fondlin' stage.:)
Thanks for the replies, very helpful indeed.

jharley - Thanks for the link, some nice looking knives there, however, I'm not too keen on the 'lightness' of the handles.

mnblade - Now thats a nice knife, like it alot. Thats definately going to have to be taken under consideration.

Buzzbait - :eek: Ooooh, that English Jack is beautiful ! Thanks.
BTW, I saw your review of the Bulldogs, and from the pictures you posted I absolutely love that design, handle, colour, blade shape, everything, stunning, and all for $25, lucky guy. Now if I could find that model somewhere I'd be a happy guy.

SammyB - Those Whitewings are stunning. Not quite what I'm looking for atm, but nice nonetheless.

PhilL - That baby Barlow is great ! I'm not set as strictly production and would definately consider a custom piece if the price was right.

My interests have definately been changing recently. All of my knives so far have been 'tactical' knives, but recently I've been leaning to more smaller, aesthetic pieces and small fixed blades.

I dont have a single slipjoint at the moment, and really think I need to rectify that :) I'm a complete newbie in the area of slipjoints so dont really know what I'm looking for, but when I see what I like, I'm sorted. The Bulldog knife from your review Buzzbait was stunning, and that design (canoe?) is one I like alot. I'm gonna have to take a good look round at all the designs available and find what I like most.

Are there any other brands I should look out for that are of good quality when it comes to slipjoints ? How are Buck, Case, Shrade, etc and the like ? Are they top notch ?

Bill Simons, Lakeland, Florida. Makes wonderful slip joint knives.
I love Bucks, Schrades and Camillus slipjoints. They're all good.

I tend to stay away from the Schrade Uncle Henry series though. The Schrade Old Timers have a great carbon steel that blows away the Uncle Henry stainless.

Bucks, unlike most other slipjoints, actually ship with a sharp edge. This is uncommon in the production slipjoint world. The Buck stockman patterns also have blades that run parallel to one another, and have hollow ground blades. All of the Buck features are rather unusual compared to what other comapanies are producing. You either love them or hate them.

Camillus makes great "everything" in my book. I really want to get into some of those limited edition carbon steel slipjoinst they have. Yummy!!!