Rough Day in the Shop

Apr 19, 1999
Thank goodness it's the end of the day. Today was one of those days when it would have been better to turn around and go home.

Nothing serious like the other day when one of the belts broke on the grinder, smacked me and sent Carol into a tizzy because she had visions of last summers accident. (That was not a fun day - never mind it hurt like the devil but I had Carol to contend with)

Anyway, today quality control had me assemble and re-assemble a folder a couple times too many, the hose from the air pump got loose and hit a pile of dust - filled the shop in an instant, the fellow who bought the MGB came to pick it up and as soon as he started to drive away the trailer hook broke and we had to roll the car up the incline back into the shop. After that I decided I'd work on the grinder and so some fine detail work. Huh, had everything measured for a 1" bearing. Couldn't figure out why the darn bearing wouldn't go on - now it was just last week when Carol & I scoured the shelves at the store for these bearings and finally found 1" bearings. Yes, well, they in fact are NOT 1" but smaller by enough that it's an issue.

At this point I decided it was time to pack it up as it was quitting time anyway and look for a smoother ride tomorrow. It wasn't bad just frustrating as the devil - but we all have them...............:grumpy:
George, everybody gets days like that sometimes. That's why somebody invented beer.

Tomorrow is a new day.

For you and for me.

Right now, like you, I'm living for tomorrow.:eek:
WOW George glad no one was hurt especially you. I know those days in the shop when you feel you would have been better off taking the day off.
Yesterday was a day to celebrate, a year since my near fatal accident and I put in a full day's work for the first time and felt no aches and pains.

Carol and I polished about 5000 feet of piping for an old customer who was having a problem with brazing on fittings due to a weld line condition.

I think I am finally getting back into working condition. It has been a very long recovery time.
