SAK custom/pivots??

I can understand what G Guy McVer is talking about with regard to the universal acceptance of a SAK versus other knives, and how folks may want to hold onto that. I legitimately have had experiences where I had one knife and received some drama, and then at a later time had a SAK, and everything was aces.

A few years ago, I was using a small modern folder to cut a sandwich in the breakroom at a place I used to work. This woman from another department came in, saw this small, three and a half inch Buck, or ZT or whatever it was, and was like "OH MY GOD, IS THAT A KNIFE??!?!" and I had to talk her down, it's just cutting a sandwich, lady, relax. Then, a week or two later, I was using the main blade on a SAK Hunter to cut something else, same woman walks in. I steel myself for more theatrics, but instead she was like "Ohhhhh is that one of those SWISS ARMY knives??? My nephew has one and he's in the Scouts, and he showed me....blah blah blah. I nodded politely, made some polite small talk noises, and she left the room, and left me alone.

Everybody loves a Swiss Army Knife.
I think that lunch room sandwich knives should be capable of slicing round steaks.IMG_3015.png
I have a bucket of cheap (real) SAK’s acquired at flea markets. If I have to leave the private jet behind, I can carry losable knives. My big attraction to modular SAK’s is the ability to upgrade blades, swap tools, add pocket clips, color anodize, clean, lubricate, do custom scales, and create desired combinations.IMG_3021.jpeg
OP, DE Custom Forge in Russia offers metric pivots that fit the SAK tools without drilling and Denis offers them up to Swiss champ length. However since the war in the Ukraine they are very hard to get. So as many have pointed out, 1/8” precision ground hardened stainless steel pivot barrels with 2-56 internal threads are the Standard in the non metric community. These are readily available at the popular online knife supply store, they have recently stocked many different lengths too. With a little ingenuity you can stack quite a few layers ;) though I’ll tell you 5 liners and 5 back springs in a 93mm is a nightmare to assemble, you will be bloody lol!

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OP, DE Custom Forge in Russia offers metric pivots that fit the SAK tools without drilling and Denis offers them up to Swiss champ length. However since the war in the Ukraine they are very hard to get. So as many have pointed out, 1/8” precision ground hardened stainless steel pivot barrels with 2-56 internal threads are the Standard in the non metric community. These are readily available at the popular online knife supply store, they have recently stocked many different lengths too. With a little ingenuity you can stack quite a few layers ;) though I’ll tell you 5 liners and 5 back springs in a 93mm is a nightmare to assemble, you will be bloody lol!

NICE!!! thanks!!! Yeah that's unfortunate but I think I can make it work without issue with the info provided. I honestly didn't expect all of this SOLID feedback. This is going to make life so much easier for myself and anybody else who reads this thread.

hear you on the 3+ layers!!!! especially when using soft metal brass pivots. they always tend to want to start bending after layer 3 despite how accurately your drill holes. Those SAK tabletop assembly jigs help alot in that department.I can pack just about anything I'd want into a 5 layer. MAYBE six. After that they're too heavy and a little impractical lol. I'm going to build a BLADES ONLY SAK next. It'll be a victorinox version of my flexcut carving jack lol.


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My suggestion is to make your own. It’s not that difficult if you’re really into building. I made my own just for testing and checking parts for fit. I made mine in stock sizes, 2.2mm, 2.5mm 3.0mm so no tool pivot drilling is required, except when modding tools from different frame sizes.

Even though I can and do make my own pivots, I prefer riveted brass or nickel silver pins. Helps to know how to peen. Like anything—just takes practice. Mostly because I like the OEM look and feel. And it’s a ‘must’ for restoration work.

Do some googling about the drawers. Well known modder makes them. Along with other cool stuff. 👍 could stop leaving things laying around for other people to pick up and maybe return🤷🏻‍♂️ I prefer to carry nice things and keep track of them accordingly, instead of relying on some random person's chances of returning something because it's cheap😂 .

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Are the pivots used in the 58mm the same diameter as the 91mm? I’m a fan of the mini champ and would like to make a few.
The custom screw together 58mm knives that I have use #0X80TPI screws. The blades pivot on the threads. The 91mm jobs utilize 1/8” diameter internally threaded barrels. The internal thread is #2X56TPI. #0 screws have a major diameter (outside the threads) of 0.060”. #2 screws are 0.086”.
Are the pivots used in the 58mm the same diameter as the 91mm?

The pivots on a 58 mm SAK are 1.5 mm in diameter. The pivots on a 91 mm SAK are 2.5 mm for the two on the outside and 2.2 mm for the center and back side. The pivot holes in the individual tools can vary somewhat in diameter from tool to tool. Some holes are larger, and some are smaller, but it all works out in the end, unless you are transplanting tools from one size SAK to another size. Then you may need to enlarge the pivot holes or use a filler to make the hole smaller. Brass is typically used for this. A piece of brass is hammered into the pivot hole, ground flat on both sides, and then drilled with a smaller hole.
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So #0 screws are 0.060” in diameter, and 1.5mm pins are 0.059” in diameter. Pretty close. 1/8” diameter barrels are 0.125”, but 2.5mm pins are 0.098” in diameter. Not so close.