Schrade Old Timer refurbish?

Jul 31, 2019
Does anyone know if Schrade/Old Timer would replace/refurbish the handle of my late brother's Schrade Old Timer 470T pocket knife? He had it for MANY years and it's a bit beat up. Unless there is someone here who could help with fixing it up?
Good luck 👍Well Schrade is now in China, so you’ll have to find someone to rehandle it. There are a few guys here on the forums that do that, one that comes to mind is Glenbad, I’m sure there are others. Maybe someone will chime in here. Good luck 👍
Good luck 👍Well Schrade is now in China, so you’ll have to find someone to rehandle it. There are a few guys here on the forums that do that, one that comes to mind is Glenbad, I’m sure there are others. Maybe someone will chime in here. Good luck 👍
Thank you for your response! This is an older Schrade 470T. It's got good steel. Might not be high-carbon steel or anything like that, but it takes and holds a very sharp edge!
It's what I do.
Unfortunately, I'm not accepting work for a couple of months.