SCP -- Blade Rigger Quality, gentler pricetag

Jul 20, 1999
In the past, Blade Rigger merchandise has been highest end, and priced as such. As a result, not everyone could afford a Blade Rigger system.

No more.

The new SCP (Semi-Custom Production) line combines the time-tested design experience of my earlier products with a more affordable price tag.

You ask: How can it be the same quality, but at a lower price? The answer is that, although the design and most vital stages of the systems are still done exclusively by myself, I am combining the skill of other craftsmen for more time-consuming, less delicate steps. By involving less of my time, I am able to offer high-end merchandise at a more affordable rate.

SCP Blade systems include sheaths, blades and an arsenal of options that allow the final result to be tailored to your carry needs as if it were custom. These systems are shown at the Blade Rigger web page, with full option lists and descriptions.

Among the new offerings are the ArchAngel 2, two DEFCON systems (DEFCON 3 and DEFCON 4), and the awesome Little Angel. I am also very excited about the three Credit Card Blade systems that are offered (Checkbook, Bi-fold Wallet, and Money Clip Wallet).

I have also moved some of the items previously only available in JSP into the SCP line as well. These include the CKB-Alpha, and Spinal Backup 3. The Administrator, which combines the shoulder carry of the Associate and the back carry of the Spinal Backup 3, is in production and should be available soon. Another popular item is the Bandando which is a handkerchief-bandana style tool that has virtually unlimited application.

SCP is also where the new martial arts equipment and tactical bags are found. This includes titanium and Rigger Coated rattan defensive sticks with specialized harnessing systems, and the exciting new Weapon Containment Attaché.

One more great benefit of the SCP Division, aside from affordability, is that since I don't have to do everything, they can be finished and in your hands much sooner.

We here at Blade Rigger are very excited about where these products are heading, and the feedback we've received has been nothing but positive.

JSP Custom are still available, and well worth the wait and extra money, but why not look into getting yourself some SCP products while you wait?


JSP Blade Rigger