Serrated or Plain edge for mini-onslaught?

Dec 25, 2012
I'm considering picking up a mini-onslaught or a regular onslaught; the price is right and it seems to be *almost* the perfect EDC for me. I haven't owned a real knife with serrations in... years. I'm a bit curious to see what everyone thinks of BM's execution of them?

I'm leaning *towards* getting them, as I always had them on the old Enduras I've owned and they came in handy from time to time; that, and the mini-onlsaught is still almost a 3 1/2", with the regular coming in at a tick over 4", blade so there is plenty of plain edge left.

I think I may have just talked myself into it... but still, the question stands. What do you guys think of serrations on a benchmade knife of this size?
Back in the day, I had partial serrations on everything from my 975 to my AFCK's to my 710 and even the 705. I think it depends on the type of daily cutting you do. The serrations are right in the leverage sweet spot, great for cutting rope, etc. I found over time, I preferred a plain edge in that sweet spot. I don't miss the extra time spent sharpening the serrations on the Sharpmaker and the non-serrated portion on a fine diamond hone.

Again, I think they definitely have their place. My long-gone AFCK with partial serrations cut like a pocket chainsaw.

i always like to ask... how good are you at sharpening serrations? :) serrations defiantely have their purpose, i like them on certain knives and for certain task and have grown accustomed to sharpening them sufficiently enough so i do not oppose them. a majority of my knives are plain edged however.
I cut up a bunch of paper last night as I am wont to do when I get really bored and for whatever reason I grabbed a serrated knife. While it wasn't a BM the serrations are similar. I'm not sure why but I expected it to tear the thin paper (catalog), but instead it sliced it up almost shockingly well.

I'm not big on partial edges, but I can certainly see the utility value in a full serrated edge. I don't believe they sell or trade nearly as well, but if that's not in the forecast anyway I say go for it!
It's really a personal preference. Combo edges aren't very popular on this forum. Having said that, I like them.

I cut a lot of hard plastic and PVC tubing. Combo edges make it so much easier. Serrations are easy to sharpen on a Sharpmarker.

I say get what you like. I have a plain edge Endura and I don't carry it as often as my Combo blades.
I don't care for serrations on a knife no matter the brand. But as aquaman67 said, its a personal preference. Only you can decide which to get.
I think a combo edge would be a waste on the Mini-Onslaught since it's such a sweet slicer due to the thinness of the grind. Go plain edge!
Definitely plain edge. Especially on a 746, since the serrations ruin it's beautiful looks.
Plain edge. The Onslaught is a slicer, and a plain edge works perfectly for that. Serrations belong on a more robust work knife.

The Onslaught is pretty much a folding kitchen knife. It's a beautiful knife, but it's no work horse.