Recommendation? Sheath HDW questions - Screws mostly - what to use?


Platinum Member
Feb 18, 2010
I've been wanting some screws and sleeves (Chicago screws?) for attaching various removable items to leather belt sheaths. As soon as I start looking at the options I get stumped. I'm reluctant to buy bags of hdw. that are close but not useful.

• If my stack of leather measures 16mm thick (almost 5/8") will the 1/2" lengths that are readily available usable?

These examples of belt loops and how they are attached - by duramax duramax , are kind of what I have in mind but I see a number of different types here so what am I looking at?


• If I intend that the leather parts be removable from the main sheath, should I plan on lining the holes in the leather sheath with some type of tube grommet so that if the belt loop is removed, the holes are not raw? That would involve an even longer screw right?

• Some in the photos have finished washers under the head and others not. What makes the need for that decision?

Anyway - your recommendations for the types and their sources will be much appreciated.

Thank you.
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Those sheaths are by duramax duramax He’d be the guy to contact on hardware sourcing of that type. His work is outstanding.
Now don’t go making me blush 😊😊 lol 🤣
Thank you very much, that truly means a lot coming from you !!!!!

RayseM RayseM
As for hardware ,,,, ugh what a headache lol. But it’s the rabbit hole I went down finding my way , so here I am. Sounds like you may have a few questions. Maybe PM me or email or phone ?
Thanks duramax duramax - I'll get back to you - likely with a PM. Though, my questions above in the post kind of explain what I'm after. If you tell what you used you will be sharing with all of us. As you prefer though PM is OK too. Thanks for offering to help.