Small Satchel Review

Hey perro heres what I can say about the klean kanteens

The 18oz and 27oz have the same diameter and would fit almost all cup holders. The 40 oz version is the same size has the nalgene 32oz or the guyot/nalgene 38oz (nalgene holds 38 till the top mark) the klean kanteen full to the brim is 45 oz and is a little taller than the nalgene both fit nesting cups.

The Kanteen 64oz fits the maxpedition 12x5 not the 10x4.

also if going wide mouth go for this cap goes better with carabiners

Hey Carlos,

I'm going to pick one up , and see how it works out ;)

Thanks for the additional info :thumbup:

Hopefully, now we can all move on.. !
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Hey everyone,

So, I wake up this morning, walk over to my " Magic Chair " .. And low and behold, there was my " Saddleback Leather Men's Satchel ", along with a " Kleen Kanteen " stainless steel water bottle.



My wife gets a bit annoyed, when things just appear.. She's having a hard time dealing with my " Magic Chair " :D

Our usual conversations, generally go like this :

Wife : " I noticed that Fishing Rod / Reel / Knive(s) / Leather Satchel ...etc , near/on your chair. When did you get that ? "

Me : " I'm getting old and can't remember were I leave my car keys .. But, you found something on my ' Magic Chair '...?
HMM , I guess it belongs to me now. I'll put it away later " :p

Hey, why hide anything. She will eventually see it.


HMMM, thinking about going fishing , again :cool:
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For what it's worth, I'm in my early 30's and it doesn't look like a "man purse" to me, especially draped in fishing gear and hatchets. The heavy leather looks too rugged and utilitarian. The messenger bags that are popular with the younger crowd look more feminine to my eye, and indeed young women often carry them as well as men. Whereas my wife (in her 20's) wouldn't be caught dead with any SBL product except maybe an iPad cover.
For what it's worth, I'm in my early 30's and it doesn't look like a "man purse" to me, especially draped in fishing gear and hatchets. The heavy leather looks too rugged and utilitarian. The messenger bags that are popular with the younger crowd look more feminine to my eye, and indeed young women often carry them as well as men. Whereas my wife (in her 20's) wouldn't be caught dead with any SBL product except maybe an iPad cover.

Well, to be perfectly honest , many " Leather Shoulder bags " could be considered " Uni-Sex ".
However, I purposely didn't purchase a " Uni-Sex Bag " type, for myself.

After a very careful review, of the products line offered by " Saddleback Leather ". I specifically chose the " Round Leather Satchel ", and not a purse.

I also purchased a " Leather Pouch ", which I gave to my wife.. Her co-workers have commented " Thats a cute Purse ".
Don't have any issue's, with her using it as a " PURSE ", which is how she rolls with it !!

My wife tried out my " Leather Satchel " (Empty) .... And factually stated ; " No way,.. thats to Heavy Duty ( Thick Leather) , & tooo manish of a bag for my taste ".
" IF " she had considered it as a " Purse " . I was willing to give to her, or send it back , for another type.

Her personal opinions, are the only one's that effect " ME " :eek:

It's really a matter on what you plan to use it for , along with, how it fits into your particular " Life Style " ..?
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My wife tried out my " Leather Satchel ".... And factually stated ; " No way,.. thats to heavy, & tooo manish of a bag for my taste ".
Her personal opinions, are the only one's that effect " ME " :eek:

I don't think she saw the pouch, but that was my wife's response to the satchels and briefcases I showed her. I have the thin briefcase and have been considering something smaller for when I'm not carrying around a laptop or two.

I've been in communication with the guy behind Marlondo Leather because not only is he cheaper, but he is willing to do a little bit of customization.
Hey everybody,

I had to go down to the " Range " today & since it was expected to be a sunny warm day ( 87 + ). I decided to tryout a few of my " Water Bottle Options ", using fresh tap water from my kitchen sink.

MSR Water Bag / Stainless Steel, Kleen Kanteen


Cool Mate Water Mister


Old School, 1 gallon sized Flax Water Bag ( Requires a pre-Soaking before use ) tied to Satchel Handle.


Okay, so both the " MSR Bag & Kleen Kanteen " are transported inside my car & left laying in the shade @ the range for a few hours.
The Flax water bag was tied to my Xterra's outside roof rack, in the direct sunllght, from my drive to the range ( approx 1 hour ) & left in the sunlight at the range.

After the photos & approx 3 hours later, I taste the water from each.


1. MSR : Un-pleasant plastic taste & water was very warm.

2. Klean Kanteen : Neutral taste , but water was very warm.

3. Flax Water Bag : Earthy pleasant taste, and the water was very cool.

I've used " Desert Water Bags " in the past ( I couldn't locate my old one ), but was somewhat surprised on how pleasant , the water tasted from the " Flax Water Bag ".

The only downside, it leaks slightly & dripped about " 1/4 - 1/2 " the contents ( 8 hrs ), which is the trade-offs to keep the water cool( (Evaporation , keeps contents cooler )

I'm glad I bought a few extra " Flax Bags " , and plan to carry one thru-out the summer months.

As a side note: I arrived home & decided to compare my tap water , against the " Flax Water Bag ".

Much to my surprise, the " Flax Water " , was cooler , than my tap water :eek:

Just my two cents !!
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I'm going to chime in for a bit of the middle ground -- The Saddleback Leather bags are tough looking. Raw thick leather which keeps looking better as they age. What may be considered murse style are the smaller sizes. I somewhat agree but for a cool little gear bag it works for some people. I went with the Medium Satchel in Carbon Black which i beat the crap out of. I carry EDC stuffs, tools to work on motorcycles/carry on quick rides, and paperwork for my business. Way to go gentleman -- please keep posting uses and your found clip ons.

Many thanks Carlos -- It's a Mac's Customs Tri-EDC Ti.

Btw -- I like your group of Beckers. :thumbup:
That macs custom, seen it on candlelight foruns many times (still a lurker there).

Well i still don't have much in the way of flashlights, still using a preon p1 titanium with the clicky cap and a little mod to it.(i prefer rubber clicks). But been lately thinking about edcing a aa or 123a flashlight...

Now to not derail the topic to much.

What do you think of the camelbaks? You could slide a 50 oz one in the back part and had have some good time with it...

Also get the military filter, it makes wonders with the taste, one of the betters filters ive had...
Lurking = learning. Which to me is a good thing.

Those bottom D-rings on Saddleback bags are awesome for creative packing/travel needs. Never know what you'll need sometimes and bundling a roll of goodies or a ex:camelback bladder is a nice option.
For the record:

I have a couple of " Camelbaks " myself.

The black pack was dedicated for work (Retired) , the Woodland was used for day hikes . I would normally remove the bladders, fill them up with tap water & freeze them overnight .. The ice would melt thru-out the day & provide a cool refreshing drink of water.
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Just arrived home, after a week of " Float Tubing & Fly Fishing "... :D

Indian Wells

Convict Lake



A few examples of my attempt @ trying to tie " Clouser Minnows ".


Crowley Lake


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Damn thats a good looking rig, and you have done a great job adapting it. Thanks for the thread.
Just an " FYI " for anyone using " Leather Bags " .

I just read an article , which was focused, on women's Style & " Handbags "..

However,.. " Leather is Leather " .
"... Your Favorite Handbag which you likely bring everywhere, has more bacteria on its handle than the average toilet flush. Yes, you read that correctly! A study published by a UK hygiene services company brings to light the shocking (and disgusting) truth about handbag hygiene...." :eek:

" ... It was discovered that leather provides the perfect conditions for the growth and spreading of bacteria, because of its spongy texture. Great, right? On the plus side, however, leather is pretty easy to clean - and regularly wiping down your bags is a huge help..."

I just disinfected my entire " Satchel & Shoulder Strap ", with 91% Alcohol ( Spray Bottle ) & wiped it down with a a few paper towels.

I'll have to remember to do this, on a regular routine.:thumbup:
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Hey everyone,

I disinfected/cleaned my " Satchel ". HMMM, as an afterthought, I decided to treat the leather with some "Chamberlains Leather Milk"
(endorsed by Saddleback).

There were some fairly deep scuff, scratches, & I wasn't satisfied with the overall results.

So, I decided to use a thicker conditioner; " Skidmore's ".

Notice the heavy scuffing & scratches under the handle


I hand rubbed it in, and will let it set for a day.


I'll then rub the exterior with the " Skidmore's Beeswax Waterproofing ", & add some heat (Hair Dryer) to penetrate the pores.

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Hey everyone,

I disinfected/cleaned my " Satchel ". HMMM, as an afterthought, I decided to treat the leather with some "Chamberlains Leather Milk"
(endorsed by Saddleback).

There were some fairly deep scuff, scratches, & I wasn't satisfied with the overall results.

So, I decided to use a thicker conditioner; " Skidmore's ".

I'll then rub the exterior with the " Skidmore's Beeswax Waterproofing ", & add some heat (Hair Dryer) to penetrate the pores.


How does she look after the TLC?

Notice small light scratches & scuffing, under handle.

After the " Skidmore's Beeswax Waterproofing " , one day drying out & buffing with a rag, with no tackiness.

Here's the photos(s), after a week of daily carry.

It darkened the light scratches a bit, & smoothed out the " Scuff Marks " in particular.


I'm pleased with the results :thumbup:
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Thanks for the update. Some TLC goes a long way. I am really enjoying this thread.