Photos SR101 Patina

Dec 27, 2006
This little Vex is getting an amazing patina on it. I under exposed the shot by 1.5 stops to get the colour to pop. I can only imagine what it would look like on a big knife, say, something like a BGMOAB. ;)

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That's beautiful! I wonder what it would look like if it where acid etched? Probably would not compare to the rainbow you got going on that right now though.
Any chance you refresh the edge? Imno artist but I think the contrast between the two would be amazing.
OK, gotta bite. Bilby Burgers?
all I'm getting is some Chargrilled Burger place in Claremont Perth` Is that it???? I was thinking like, wallaby steak burgers? or dingo medium well? or some strange outback critter with a funny nickname? like, does it go on a Vegemite assortment platter? ... One of the photos I saw from Bilbys looked like a 6" salad stacked on a burger - I can see a Busse being handy to whittle that vegan forest down to something enticing to a carnivore :D
Maybe Wallaby burgers?
I’m doubting anything to do with Vegemite, although it is the paté of the gods.
This Trash has never been inside. I'm really impressed with how well it holds up.

mumbo Trasho rusto by mumbojumboo, on Flickr

It lives in my wood shed which is just a roof and open walls. Couple smacks to make kindling and it looks great. I was thinking about spray painting it but I don't see the need. My grand fathers axe is there also and its almost a 100 years old with just some surface rust.