Strider Clone - I Cannot Believe This!

I hate to say it but the knives in my collection with the best fit and finish are cheap Chinese Civivi and Kizer knives. I love Spyderco but to date the worst out of box knife I've received was a Golden Para 3 lw. Took me nearly an hour of adjustment just to get it to open and close properly and the blade is still off center. Ironically my Chinese Spyderco resilience came out of the box perfectly centered, buttery smooth, and razor sharp.

China is perfectly capable of making tremendously high quality products when demanded to do so.
Strider shuttered the company in 2017, but continues to sell custom and production Striders through Mick Strider Custom Knives. "M. Strider" on the blade is one clear marker of which era a knife is from.
Wow, thank you so much, I didn't know.
Well, you bought a knife that was envisioned by a guy that used stolen valor to promote his business.
Furthermore you bought a clone of that stolen valor guy's design from a company that stole this design (and many other designs as well) and make a cheap copy of it.
Now I don't know if your reasoning was: "I maybe willingly buy a clone, but since the original was made by a POS company, it's ok." ?

However, you unfortunately and unwillingly helped them both, as your clone was "only 70 bucks" and you are "rather astonished" by it.

Come on, it has three choils...
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Strider shuttered the company in 2017, but continues to sell custom and production Striders through Mick Strider Custom Knives. "M. Strider" on the blade is one clear marker of which era a knife is from.
Strider closed down??!! 🤗

Was there a party here that I missed??

There must have been a party…
I just learned that recently too (apparently I’m not as attentive to my hobby as I thought). When I started looking around his new site I found that he’s back to claiming to be a 75th guy again.

“This drive ultimately led him to enlist in the US Army, and attain the high distinction of becoming a member of one of its Ranger Battalions.”

I just learned that recently too (apparently I’m not as attentive to my hobby as I thought). When I started looking around his new site I found that he’s back to claiming to be a 75th guy again.

“This drive ultimately led him to enlist in the US Army, and attain the high distinction of becoming a member of one of its Ranger Battalions.”

Wow, just when you think he couldn't go any lower.............more lies and Stolen Valor. I hope some DA out there takes him down for this!
Wow, just when you think he couldn't go any lower.............more lies and Stolen Valor. I hope some DA out there takes him down for this!
I wonder if there’s someone like Don Shipley around but for Rangers instead of SEALs…

Have people been prosecuted for stolen valor?? That would be nice.
Yes, people have been prosecuted. Have to show they benefited from their liars, and it appears that he has. I think he has pretty much built his business on deception.