Sunday Giveaway - A Para 3 LW

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Gold Member
Feb 24, 2021
Good morning everyone,

Thanks to some generous forum friends, I will be giving away a barely used Spyderco Para 3 LW black in BD1N, no box. Here is the exact knife you will get:

Same rules as previous, just post an "I'm in" followed by an interesting thing that's happened to you or you did recently.

For me, I just got my first speeding ticket ever...yay! Pleaded not guilty, let's see how it goes.

Giveaway ends this coming Friday 28th 8pm EST with winner chosen using random name wheel, winner please reply promptly or another name will be drawn.
EDIT: August 26th Friday 8pm is the drawing, sorry guys

Thank you guys, take care of yourself and loved ones, and stay positive.
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I'm in - Interesting thing I did recently was rent a trailer for the first time to go on a beach vacation - thanks for this giveaway!
I'm in! Thank you for the generous giveaway.

Here's a speeding ticket story: I was driving along at the speed limit, during a typical Texas summer. My old car didn't have air conditioning, so I had my elbow on the open window sill. You know that wonderful feeling when the wind happens to blow up your t-shirt sleeve and across the back of your neck? So I sped up a few mph. That's when I got my first and only speeding ticket. The cop was not sympathetic at all. Oh well, rules is rules.
I’m in. Interesting fact - worked a lot of speeding ticket cases. If the officer their witness and he or she is going to testify that he observed you speeding then your putting up your word against his - start out 1 TD behind. Good luck!
I'm in, thank you for the generous giveaway.

One of our rabbits just kindled (i.e. gave birth) for the first time and we have six kits. It is always a fun time because who doesn't enjoy holding cute bunnies?
I'm in!
I recently had a strange woman ask me if I had any wood I didn't want, she was carrying a four foot long log, I live in very near the city center.
Thank you for the chance.
I’m in, thank you. I recently got frustrated with crappy store bought wallets so I bought the tools and materials to make my own leather wallet. Now if it is junk I have no one to blame but myself.
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