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Bad Survive! Deserves A Permanent Post In The Hall Of Shame

I appreciate the nuance of taking pre-orders for factory seconds.

So, what I'm taking from reading the apologists is something akin to the old saw which stated that Mussolini kept the trains running on time. (He actually didn't.)

But let's say he had. Would that be sufficient basis to overlook everything else about the man and the regime?

It matters not if Guy actually could make a good knife. A good knife received from a person of low character is hardly something worth cherishing.
Personally, I've purged my collection of any knives made by individuals I learned were disreputable, and either sold them at a loss or gave them away.

If a maker's having talent is a good enough reason to overlook character and integrity...well, you dwell in a different place from where I choose to live.

(But the fact remains that years of orders, and requests for refund, have gone unfulfilled...while other makers have worked with the same materials over the same period of time and successfully satisfied their customers and filled their orders.)
I believe you mentioned you're a retired detective; if I'm wrong about that please correct me. My question to you is: Do you believe Guy is operating Survive Knives with criminal intent to defraud customers? And if that is true, I want to know why he's not in prison right now. It should not take 10 years for law enforcement to catch up with someone like him if he is doing what many here have accused him of doing. He's either the GOAT fraudster to ever live or he's just someone who lacks the ability to manage his business profitably.
Since you mentioned @beachmaster, I believe he mentioned something about honor in an earlier post, where’s the honor let alone a good conscience in promoting for a company with the negative history that SK! has… a negative history that they have earned by their actions.

You say that he states that they make a good knife but have major issues to fix, SK! has had years to fix those issues and have yet to do so… the only logical explanation for not fixing the issues are they’re either inept or just don’t care as long as the uninformed are willing to send them interest free loans for a knife that has a “who the hell knows when you’ll get it” delivery date.

That being said, I’ll have to disagree with your “shilling behavior” and “objective view point” comments, it’s obvious that one is and one isn’t.

One of SK!’s problems from the beginning was taking payments up front and lying about delivery dates, a problem that still exists to this day… again, why promote for a company like this.

There are several companies/makers that build a good knife and are upfront about their delivery times.

RMK… 5 to 6 year wait with a $50 deposit last I checked, payment in full not due until the order is complete.

CRK… again a 5 to 6 year wait and unless I’m mistaken there’s no deposit required and payment in full not due until the order is complete.

WK… a 4 to 9 month wait depending on what is ordered with no deposit required and again payment in full not due until the order is complete.

Those are just a few of the many companies/makers that in my opinion are much more deserving of the free promo time that was given to SK!.
Though this addressed to you, I'm actually replying to you and everyone else who have replied to me today.

I think the worst thing that can happen, from your perspective, is Survive manages to fulfill all of their orders either through refunds or delivery of the knives. This is based on your comments and those like yours. You really don't give a sh!t if anyone who ordered from Survive gets their knife. Oh you say you do but then you actively advocate for people to not purchase instock knives from them or from other sources where the knives are available for sale. You want this company to fail and close its doors. There's no other reason you would want people not to purchase instock knives from them.

The more cynical side of me would say y'all are caping for Guy's disgruntled former business partners and competitors. But I'm going to take the high road on that one and not believe it, but it's hard not to do so.
Though this addressed to you, I'm actually replying to you and everyone else who have replied to me today.

I think the worst thing that can happen, from your perspective, is Survive manages to fulfill all of their orders either through refunds or delivery of the knives. This is based on your comments and those like yours. You really don't give a sh!t if anyone who ordered from Survive gets their knife. Oh you say you do but then you actively advocate for people to not purchase instock knives from them or from other sources where the knives are available for sale. You want this company to fail and close its doors. There's no other reason you would want people not to purchase instock knives from them.

The more cynical side of me would say y'all are caping for Guy's disgruntled former business partners and competitors. But I'm going to take the high road on that one and not believe it, but it's hard not to do so.
Guy has had since 2014 to get it right. He has not. He has continued with the same pattern of lies, obfuscation, blaming others, horrible communication after the sale, dodging refunds and not delivering orders as promised. I don't want any customers to get ripped off. I especially do not want NEW customers to get pulled into Guy's scheme.

Regarding "instock" knives, there are numerous posts (both here and on other social media platforms) regarding unfilled orders for "instock" knifes. Guy tells lies. You cannot trust what he says about his inventory.

Most customers do not pursue legal action over a sub $400 order. people do not like to admit that they're a victim of fraud. It's embarrassing, and sometimes that shameful feeling prevents people from reporting the crime. Also, prosecutors and police have bigger fish to fry.
You like most shills tend to ignore the elephant in the room.

Point 2 definitely negates point 1 given SK!’s history of not fulfilling orders, some dating back 7, 8, 9 years.

The never ending excuses of why they consistently fail to deliver, whether it’s Millets, Peters, Niagara, or a sheath issue again :rolleyes:, the only thing consistent in all of this is SK’s refusal to accept any responsibility for their failures as a company.

How many requests for refunds have been ignored, there are countless posts on numerous media platforms confirming this.

The ONLY reason for a company to not issue a requested refund for an unfulfilled order is because they are broke and have no cash flow… Ponzi scheme 🤔

Speaking of refunds, there was a time that SK! charged a restocking fee for refund requests on orders that weren’t even made yet, I believe Ellie spun a bunch of word salad trying to clean that shit up.

SK! considers an issued refund a completed order… how anyone can spin that fallacy in their head is beyond me.

You yourself admit they have a terrible record of order fulfillment and customer service and yet you continue to bang the drum for them… and you wonder why most think you’re nothing more than a shill, for anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together the answer should be obvious.

So, what I'm taking from reading the apologists is something akin to the old saw which stated that Mussolini kept the trains running on time. (He actually didn't.)

But let's say he had. Would that be sufficient basis to overlook everything else about the man and the regime?

It matters not if Guy actually could make a good knife. A good knife received from a person of low character is hardly something worth cherishing.
Personally, I've purged my collection of any knives made by individuals I learned were disreputable, and either sold them at a loss or gave them away.

If a maker's having talent is a good enough reason to overlook character and integrity...well, you dwell in a different place from where I choose to live.

(But the fact remains that years of orders, and requests for refund, have gone unfulfilled...while other makers have worked with the same materials over the same period of time and successfully satisfied their customers and filled their orders.)

As Paul would say in the TV series 'Mad About You', "This is what I'm saying!" 😆

I believe you mentioned you're a retired detective; if I'm wrong about that please correct me. My question to you is: Do you believe Guy is operating Survive Knives with criminal intent to defraud customers? And if that is true, I want to know why he's not in prison right now. It should not take 10 years for law enforcement to catch up with someone like him if he is doing what many here have accused him of doing. He's either the GOAT fraudster to ever live or he's just someone who lacks the ability to manage his business profitably.

Though this addressed to you, I'm actually replying to you and everyone else who have replied to me today.

I think the worst thing that can happen, from your perspective, is Survive manages to fulfill all of their orders either through refunds or delivery of the knives. This is based on your comments and those like yours. You really don't give a sh!t if anyone who ordered from Survive gets their knife. Oh you say you do but then you actively advocate for people to not purchase instock knives from them or from other sources where the knives are available for sale. You want this company to fail and close its doors. There's no other reason you would want people not to purchase instock knives from them.

The more cynical side of me would say y'all are caping for Guy's disgruntled former business partners and competitors. But I'm going to take the high road on that one and not believe it, but it's hard not to do so.

Guy likely knows he is bankrupt if he cannot meet his financial obligations to his pre-orders. By continuing to take money and deliver in stock and factory seconds to new buyers in order to pay the electricity and rent, instead of offering these seconds to people with pre-orders first (to fulfill his obligations), Guy could rightfully be called a crook or scammer without the accuser failing a lie detector test.

I'm not sure what it would take to get a criminal case started, but it sounds a bit like mail and wire fraud to me. I think someone who has been harmed and has standing could try to pursue criminal charges, but most buyers are out of state and bought online, so the expense of pursuing this would be a magnitude more costly than accepting the loss from the pre-order.

It sounds like what you are saying is that Guy is just stupid and inept, but not quite a criminal, yet.
Though this addressed to you, I'm actually replying to you and everyone else who have replied to me today.

I think the worst thing that can happen, from your perspective, is Survive manages to fulfill all of their orders either through refunds or delivery of the knives.
Do you really believe the SK! is gonna someday fulfill the outstanding orders from 2015, 2016, 2017, etc., that money has long been spent and is unrecoverable.
You really don't give a sh!t if anyone who ordered from Survive gets their knife. Oh you say you do but then you actively advocate for people to not purchase instock knives from them or from other sources where the knives are available for sale. You want this company to fail and close its doors.
Besides being a shill the bold shows just how much of an idiot you truly are.

I would love to see everyone with an outstanding SK! order be made whole, I don't want to see anyone scammed out of money, personally I despise con artists, you on the other hand... I'm just realistic enough to know that's not going to happen where SK! is concerned and their proven history confirms my belief.
Oh you say you do but then you actively advocate for people to not purchase instock knives from them or from other sources where the knives are available for sale. You want this company to fail and close its doors. There's no other reason you would want people not to purchase instock knives from them.
Those instock knives that take 15 days or longer to ship if they ship at all 🤣
The more cynical side of me would say y'all are caping for Guy's disgruntled former business partners and competitors. But I'm going to take the high road on that one and not believe it, but it's hard not to do so.
Damn, I think that's the biggest 🤡 post from you yet.
I believe you mentioned you're a retired detective; if I'm wrong about that please correct me. My question to you is: Do you believe Guy is operating Survive Knives with criminal intent to defraud customers? And if that is true, I want to know why he's not in prison right now. It should not take 10 years for law enforcement to catch up with someone like him if he is doing what many here have accused him of doing. He's either the GOAT fraudster to ever live or he's just someone who lacks the ability to manage his business profitably.
I'm a retired special agent, (criminal investigator), from a couple of different federal agencies...mostly out of NYC and Miami with some cases taking me overseas.

Doesn't matter what I believe since I have neither sought, nor am I in receipt of all the evidence in this case, whether on the criminal, or civil side.

I am aware that the PA Attorney General's Office has an interest in the matter, and whether it arises to the level where it would meet their threshold for going forward and prosecuting is something only they can answer. I also have no idea how many folks have reported their issues to their office at this point in time.

Finally, lots of criminal activity is shunted aside because there is only so much manpower to deal with the caseload. We would farm out lots of cases to other agencies, state, local or federal for matters which we did not have the time to assign manpower to. S!K is, probably, a smallish fish in a rather large pond of ne'er-do-wells.

You would be better off searching for answers with the AG's Office.

I will say that I would never give S!K my business, simply based upon their history of deceptive practices and failure to follow through on their commitments. Your mileage may vary...and most probably does.
Though this addressed to you, I'm actually replying to you and everyone else who have replied to me today.

I think the worst thing that can happen, from your perspective, is Survive manages to fulfill all of their orders either through refunds or delivery of the knives. This is based on your comments and those like yours. You really don't give a sh!t if anyone who ordered from Survive gets their knife. Oh you say you do but then you actively advocate for people to not purchase instock knives from them or from other sources where the knives are available for sale. You want this company to fail and close its doors. There's no other reason you would want people not to purchase instock knives from them.

The more cynical side of me would say y'all are caping for Guy's disgruntled former business partners and competitors. But I'm going to take the high road on that one and not believe it, but it's hard not to do so.
"But...but what about the victiiiiiims?? Don't you waaaaant them to get their kniiiiives? You should be suppooooorrting Guy!!!"

This is hilarious, disengenuous, and disgusting all at once.
Besides being a shill the bold shows just how much of an idiot you truly are.
You know what they say when your opponent starts ad hominem attacks and name calling, they have lost the argument. But I'm tapping out. You guys win.
You know what they say when your opponent starts ad hominem attacks and name calling, they have lost the argument. But I'm tapping out. You guys win.
The irony is palpable when you literally were accusing people in here of not caring wether or not the scam victims were made whole lmao
You guys win.

Unfortunately, there appear to be few winners here. Winning would have all those who put their hard earned money down receiving what they had every expectation and right to receive. (Hence this thread.)
You know what they say when your opponent starts ad hominem attacks and name calling, they have lost the argument. But I'm tapping out. You guys win.
And you still haven’t answered the question ’what is your end game?’ What is your point? What are you trying to accomplish here? Having not even attempted to answer this amidst all your other walls of text and redirecting and ignoring the obvious, one can only assume you’re here to stir up shit.
And you still haven’t answered the question ’what is your end game?’ What is your point? What are you trying to accomplish here? Having not even attempted to answer this amidst all your other walls of text and redirecting and ignoring the obvious, one can only assume you’re here to stir up shit.
He's "tapping out" because he realizes he can't win with the hand he's holding, and a bluff won't cut it. Let's not block the exit.
You know what they say when your opponent starts ad hominem attacks and name calling, they have lost the argument. But I'm tapping out. You guys win.
My response was fitting given you questioned my integrity.
My response was fitting given you questioned my integrity.
Ok I get it. You're a Super Mod. You get to attack people personally, but they better mind their manners if they respond. I don't want to get banned from here and something tells me you might have a quick trigger finger. Am I reading you right? I promise I'll straighten up and fly right.
Ok I get it. You're a Super Mod. You get to attack people personally, but they better mind their manners if they respond. I don't want to get banned from here and something tells me you might have a quick trigger finger. Am I reading you right? I promise I'll straighten up and fly right.
I'm gonna save you from yourself and ban you from further replies in this thread. You should've walked when you promised to. Now you don't have a choice.