Talonite Carnivours

The Talonite Carnivour Project is getting closer to reality. We have ordered up the stock for 96 blades. Me and Bob Taylor are splitting up 66 of them, and Pat Crawford is taking 30. It will take a while to get the EDM machining done on the blades and then there is of cource assembly/grinding, etc. REKAT'S knives will be I believe basic Carnivour models. The blades I am getting will be made up in Custom handle materials and anything else within reason to personalize them, in other words, "Custom Carnivours" Pat Crawfords will of cource do his thing with his blades, I havent spoke with Pat so cant say how he will offer them. I have started a list and I have 4 spoken for as of this time, and yes Bald1, you are #1 on the list, and I am reserving one for my Web Mistress DC. Contact myself, REKAT, or http://www.crawfordknives.com for more details. No, I am not sure of the price yet! Anything you would like to add Bob is welcome as this is your forum anyway! ha ha ha


Bob Taylor

Platinum Member
Dec 10, 1998
If the famous Talonite Project stays on track then they should be ready for June delivery. Pat Crawford and Rob are gearing up for some exotic handles and these should prove to be intresting.
I have been carrying the prototype for about two weeks now and I am impressed with Talonite. Talonite isn't for everyone it is a bit expensive We are looking at a G-10 Handle basic plain jane model at be $320.00

Bob Taylor

Some days it's not worth chewing through the restraints and escaping.

I think the Talonite "plain Jane" Carnivour may be a bit more than you stated. I ordered the ATS34 Carnivour six weeks ago from Crawford, priced at $375. I the talonite comes for less. Wow. People better get their orders in.

Rob & Bob:

Fantastic! Looking forward to hearing Rob's recommendations for customization
. I am definately a Talonite convert and think the extra tariff well worth the blade's performance.

There are 8 on my list as of this time, I am definetly quitting my "other Job" They tried to buy me today but didnt come up with enough money! I will be giving my 2 weeks notice within the next month and going full time with the knives.
I of cource will be broke from this time forward but thats ok!

Kick butt Rob.

Good luck in going full time. Wish you lots of success.

They were made in limited numbers and discontinued too soon. I wish they were still availible.