The Nok Latosa Training Knife

May 23, 2004
Nok was contacted by Grand master Rene Latosa of the Latosa FMA to design his concept for a Lastosa training knife. Here is a first look at the official Nok/Latosa Training Knife
Pretty cool. I have the more conventional version of your long and short trainers and they remain among my favorite training tools.
Randy, nice to see you and Nok working with GM Rene. He's good people.

Unfortunately I'm going to miss seeing this trainer in action later this month :mad:
hi Phil glad you like Noks work..Those have held up pretty well for you I think you got those way back when Nok first started making her trainers. I'll have to get you to do a review of them. LOL

H2H he's seems like a very stand up guy. Nok has had many emails back and forth over these and he's been very easy for her to work with. Yesterday he asked her to come up with a Latosa Palm Stick Trainer for his guys. Here's a pic of what she was able to do for him and one of his completed order.

Very slick!

Last knife work I did with him was with standard rubber trainers, so i don't know what he's got going on with these double-ended things. I'm sure it's cool stuff though, and I'm looking forward to seeing what the other instructors bring back from the seminar.

Yes, he's very much a stand up, no bullshit guy, who also happens to be extremely laid back and approachable. The little bit of AMOK! philosophy that I've picked up from your posts is very much in line with Latosa Escrima concepts.