The TRUTH: Andy Roy of Fiddleback Forge Spills the Tea

Interesting that there have been some group buys going on, but I hadn’t seen anything here in a long time. Is the Facebook group the place to keep up with Fiddlebacks now?

With the instagram shadow ban issue Andy mentioned in the video, I would think forums would be more appealing.
Interesting that there have been some group buys going on, but I hadn’t seen anything here in a long time. Is the Facebook group the place to keep up with Fiddlebacks now?

With the instagram shadow ban issue Andy mentioned in the video, I would think forums would be more appealing.
I think Andy does the group buys on Facebook now. I wish he'd do some here as I'm not on Facebook.
There is a Facebook Group called Fiddleback Fanatics. It was started by a couple of fans. Andy has done a couple of small group buys over there. I personally HATE Facebook with a burning passion. I only have it so I can post on the businesses' accounts for the folks that are there. I don't use it personally at all.

For the non-Facebook folks, now that we know there's a demand from folks that don't want to go there for a group buy. Maybe I can talk Andy into doing one through Knife Outpost's site. We'll likely be doing something like that with Josh from Edge Knife Works soon. So that will give me a chance to try out the process.

As far as Blade Forums goes, maybe we'll do an "Ask Andy" video and cover this topic. I don't want to say things here that will get me banned too. But I miss the comaradarie too. I think that ship has sailed for Blade Forum as it doesn't have the audience anymore... but I haven't figured out another place to have it where people would actually go sign up. I know we can do something on "Discord"... but most people don't even know what that is, let alone be willing to sign up for yet another app just for that. But it sure would be nice to have some of that banter and feedback again.
The censorship is a real pain. I do the marketing, media, social media, and you tube channel for the outfitters I work for. Everything about our business is from a conservative patriotic perspective. We sell knives, guns, ammo, accessorries, hunting, archery, and camping supplies and long term storage foods. On our you tube channel I do everything from interviews with our vendors, to videos about what we have in the store, to putting together kits for urban survival and civil unrest, to urban and wilderness survival skills, to the wild edibles and wild medicinals our brilliant creator gave us. We have the 10 Commandments on the wall above one register, the U.S. Constitution over the other, and a sign on the front door that says "if you're offended by who we are you can leave." We are lterally everything these people hate, in carnate.

I've watched the progession of censorship on FB, IG, and YouTube, and even Google and Gmail go insane since I first started messing with social media 10 years ago. I've learned to go grassroots to keep our lines of communication open with our customers in person in phone calls and texts, and they also check our pages and channel regularly instead of waiting on notofcations that won't come. And they share our content out further into our region to their friends and our market has been slowly but steadily growing for the two years I've been working on it. Luckily for us and my company we are a brick and mortar aren't going for online sales. We don't have an online presence, so we can keep our prices lower. The skills posts I do are specific to the Southeast and primarily S.E. Tennessee and North Georgia. I really just put our channel together for the benefit of our customer base, to answer their questions about gear and skills etc. in a context i don't have time to do in a conversation in the store.

On another note, most of my friends and I use an odd sort of alpha-numara-character code and creative spacing to write words that would trigger the censoring algorithms, in ways we know what we're saying but the AI does not because each of us write the same words differently each conversation.

Good luck on your new endeavor, O hope it all goes well!
Not on the facebook, either, but if a group buy made it over here it would not hurt my feelings....

Come on Fiddleback Fiddleback Fiddleback Outpost Fiddleback Outpost , let's make this happen here too. You know I'd be in!

Thursday previews and banter is what brought me to this platform. I got rid of FB years ago.
Andy did mention on the last video that he was going to let us put a Group buy up on Knife Outpost a few times per year... so hopefully that comes to fruition!

I'm with you guys, I'm only on Facebook for business... and I wish I didn't have to be. I hate Facebook with every fiber of my being. I could go on for hours about all the ways they've screwed our businesses over, just because we cater to conservative interests/hobbies/lifestyle. I look forward to the day that I can delete those accounts because there is something better for all of us.