This is childish

Originally posted by Random
Oh, and something childish: Cougar, my dad can beat up your dad!

Oh, yeahhhhhhh? Well, I bet my mom can beat up your mom! Catfight! Catfight!
Originally posted by wolfmann601
... and would wager a bet that of the 16,000 members of the BFC community, this will not be a super hot forum for BFC to be proud of. I took pride in BFC ...

This is where you really miss the point, Wolfmann. If someone joins BFC and after gaining access to this forum decides it is not super hot (a not unlikely scenario) -- it will be too late.

We will already have his money!
:cool:, the peacock, er, the parrot...yeah, "That's the ticket" :)

(That eye patch is pretty dashing

Danelle for Mod? Sure, I'll vote 'thumbs up' for that one ;)

Fiiiinally, a place where I can smile freely..."Praise the load!"

Ira, you freaking toad, lighten up my fern...the grass is greener here, fire up that last bong load and relax a bit

We don't need no stinkin moderator. We didn't need one in W&C either, and we got one anyway, and now look. G'won, look! One of em hasn't posted in over six months. You ran his a&#115s off, is whatcha did.

Can't I just rap you on the knuckles with a ruler now and then? <i> Unofficially</i> of course. The day Spark puts a girl as mod is the day hell freezes ovah.
Originally posted by Danelle O'Shea
The day Spark puts a girl as mod is the day hell freezes ovah.

Ohhhh how quickly they forget, Danelle don't tell me you don't remember our beloved Donna Barnes? Donna was the Queen of Mods, and as raunchy on W&C or Chat as you could ask for. Plus she knew her knives and guns and could kick a$$ on most of the guys here.

Donna, if you're reading this...we miss you.
Originally posted by PhilL

Ohhhh how quickly they forget, Danelle don't tell me you don't remember our beloved Donna Barnes? Donna was the Queen of Mods, and as raunchy on W&C or Chat as you could ask for. Plus she knew her knives and guns and could kick a$$ on most of the guys here.

Donna, if you're reading this...we miss you.

Hmm, maybe I wasn't around then? Dunno. Maybe I just didnt give a fat rat's arse, like now. Anyway, that reinforces what Ive already said. And how could any female suppose to compete with the "Queen of Mods"? Dare to compare.

I've already been a moderator via Spyderco, and that got me a big fat pile of squat.
You are right Cougar, you got my $30.00 when I decided to becoming a paying member of what was the greatest knife forum on the planet.

Now that you have lowered your standards to this level, it is $30.00 that will not be spent here again.

But, big phucking deal right?

Ira, now who's being childish? Because you can't keep away from one forum, you are going to stay away from the entire site? C'mon, get real. What is that, an ultimatum?

Like a moth to a flame, poor Ira just can't control himself and stay away from this awful place. So unless Spark closes this place down Ira is gonna hold his breath until he passes out or he's gonna take his ball and go home.

Ira, I think you're one of the good guys. I've seen you go out of your way to help folks out on GB&U. If you don't like this particular forum just don't come in here, like I don't go into the Political Forum. In my opinion it's the biggest waste of bandwidth, but the morons who like to argue in there to no avail seem to like it, so who am I to say close it?

I mean how stupid does this sound, "Spark if you don't close down the Political Forum right this minute, I'm not going to renew my membership here and will never post on BFC again"?

Ira grow up.

Look at the upside, if the preverts can post their crap in here they'll be less likely to feel the need to post it anywhere else.
I'm all for charging Ira $29.50 and not letting him access this forum:)
Let's make Ira the moderator. He wouldn't have any powers, but he could tell us which posts are beneath us or him or something.

I know Ira's not a troll, but he could play one here!
Obviously, I feel that it's neccessary for me to pipe in with my opinion.
My opinion is this:
Spark's new avatar with the parrot and eyepatch is HYSTERICAL!
(Not to mention, quite tittilating)

Giggling at my serupticous.. sereptitious.... dammit!
Giggling at my sneaky input of the word "lating",
I remain,
(Not gay)
I found it funny that Ira won't renew his paid membership because of the new forum. Hell, Super Ex is the reason I finally coughed up the dough to get a paid membership. Who needs "safe" forums, where everything is moderated. You get some good info, but also a lots of "me too!" and "atta boy" type of bullshit. Just my .02$
Dani posted-"Can't I just rap you on the knuckles with a ruler now and then"?

Dani, That all depends on if your wearing a short skirt with glasses or a school girl uniform. If so NOT A PROBLEM! Just my opinion again!;)