Time for a USA Made Blade giveaway!

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Official Entry Post!!!

Thanks for the GAW!!!

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My Benchmade Bone Collector shown in the middle. I am on vacation without my only BM so I copied the picture from one of my threads. I will add an old old joke just to make sure I am in.

A 3-legged dog walks into the saloon and says "I'm lookin for the man who shot my paw"
"official entry post"

Thanks for doing this Whitty, super generous!
Don't own any Benchmade knives, so my most beatup knife will have to do.



Sodbuster I got as a kid, painted when I was a kid (30 years ago)... still carry every now and then.
I did restore it a bit recently to bring back the love I had for this knife as a kid:



Hope polishing it up doesn't disqualify me :D
Goodluck everyone.
Official entry. Would like to own a Benchmark product.

A mushroom walks in to a bar and orders a beer. The batman says "Sorry, we do not serve mushrooms." The mushroom says to the barman, "I am not a mushroom. " I am a FUNGI."
Official entry post.
Thanks for the giveaway, Whitty!

This is my bench knife, made on my bench. Probably my most used and abused:

Official entry post
At least mine looks like it's used, half of these posters don't even have a scratch on the blade.
Official Entry:

A joke I heard this morning that made me chuckle

Daughter: "Dad, I have been waiting for the right moment to tell you that I am a lesbian. It is very difficult for me to tell you something like this, so I hope you understand and don't get mad."

Dad: "It's OK Honey, I love you".

Daughter 2: "I'm a lesbian too, Dad"

Dad: "Jesus Christ! None of my kids like boys?"

Son: "I do."

(Showed to me by one of my friends who is gay. Gave me a good chuckle.) Thanks for the chance!
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Official entry post. Don't have any Benchmades right now...sure would love a nice one like the 915! Here's my beater...
Official entry post.
What's better than having a girl with long legs wrapped around you?

A girl with short legs trying!

Thanks for the opportunity
Offical Entry Post

My family's missing a Triage.:D


Thanks for the chance Whitty and becoming a dealer of my favorite brand!!!
official entry post

As a person of Norwegian ancestry, I hope I will be forgiven for this bad pun.

An American tourist stopped at a sporting goods store in Oslo. He inquired about purchasing a sturdy sheath knife to use on planned outdoor activities during his visit to Norway. The helpful store clerk told him "Go to Helle". :D:rolleyes:
Here's one of my favs...thanks for the chance! My official entry post...:thumbup:

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